Integration Integrating FreePBX with another solution? This is the category for it. Tips and Tricks This category is for tips and tricks. Security This category is for security related posts. Please review the FreePBX Security Policy on GitHub before posting anything here. Providers The place for when you are connecting FreePBX to a provider and experiencing issues. Endpoints Connecting endpoints to FreePBX and experiencing problems? This category is for you! Installation / Upgrade This category relates to the install of the stand alone FreePBX Development This category is for discussion of FreePBX Related development. Networking General networking questions? Here’s the place! System Administration Configuring aspects of the underlying operating system? Here’s the place! Hardware Having a problem with hardware level issues such as disk space? This is where to put your topic! Applications / Modules The place for problems with Asterisk applications or FreePBX applications, primarily those that are open source. For closed source, please consider the Commercial Module section of the forum. Configuration The place when you have problems configuring things in FreePBX.