Since Tuesday, we have been receiving two emails from “Cron Daemon”:
Email 1: Subject: Cron asterisk@asterisk /var/www/html/admin/modules/iotserver/bin/check_license.php Body: This product is not licensed! Please purchase a license first.
Email 2: Subject: Cron asterisk@asterisk /var/www/html/admin/modules/iotserver/bin/check_certificates.php Body: This product is not licensed! Please purchase a license first.
Yesterday I disabled the module from FreePBX module management, and today the email received was this:
Email 1: Subject: Cron asterisk@asterisk /var/www/html/admin/modules/iotserver/bin/check_license.php Body:
Exception: Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Iotserver’A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma install iotserver 2) fwconsole ma enable iotserver in file /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php on line 213 Stack trace:
Email 2: Subject: Cron asterisk@asterisk /var/www/html/admin/modules/iotserver/bin/check_certificates.php Body:
Exception: Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Iotserver’A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma install iotserver 2) fwconsole ma enable iotserver in file /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php on line 213 Stack trace:
I executed the commands:
fwconsole ma uninstall iotserver
fwconsole ma remove iotserver
And the message received tonight was as follows:
Subject: Cron asterisk@asterisk /var/www/html/admin/modules/iotserver/bin/check_certificates.php Body: /bin/sh: /var/www/html/admin/modules/iotserver/bin/check_certificates.php: No such file or directory
Subject: Cron asterisk@asterisk /var/www/html/admin/modules/iotserver/bin/check_license.php Body: /bin/sh: /var/www/html/admin/modules/iotserver/bin/check_license.php: No such file or directory
Maybe I should remove those checks from the Cron Daemon?
If so, can you tell me how? I do not know how to do it
Despite having uninstalled the module, on Saturday it was automatically reinstalled.
On Saturday I received an email with the subject: “FreePBX (VoIP Server) Module Updates” and the following body:
" This is an automatic notification from your FreePBX (VoIP Server) server.
Installing missing modules: iotserver
Module iotserver successfully downloaded in 2 seconds Module iotserver installation completed in 39 seconds Done. All modules installed."
Finally I have chosen to edit the crontab, and remove the lines…
In this way at least I will not receive the email with the license error in iotserver every day …
While I’m not a fan of automatic updates this is a poor solution as Automatic Updates shouldn’t be playing the roll of “Automatic Installer”. The point behind this would be to keep your active modules updated automatically not for FreePBX to decide that it should ignore the module configs (Installed/Disabled/Not Installed) and just update/install everything it thinks it should.
Also, this whole thing with unlicensed/non-activated commercial modules just taking over the system with their crap installed is really, really a poor way to be handling things.
I agree with this. I think we need to correct this behavior (or at least I need to do some research to better understand why it was originally built this way).
Disabling the Module, uninstaling it, editing cron all of this does not work because it just comes back on the next update. I don’t remember ever chosing to have this installed in the first place. This is getting pretty annoying especially if you manage many FreePBX and PBXact systems. (watching thread)
Sorry for all the trouble this has caused.
This is not ok, and we will be fixing it as a top priority in the SmartOffice Team.
Thank you for your patience. As @kgupta1 indicated, we will be posting to the above ticket ASAP.
If we do not want FreePBX to install or upgrade any module due to auto-update or module admin->check online functionality then that module has to be “disable”.
If we uninstall the module then during auto -update or module admin -> “check online” will try to install that module again.
I request all of you to please disable the module instead of uninstalling the Iotserver module if you do not want to use iotserver module.
also on side note - Not removing cron jobs during un-installation of Iotserver module issue also has been fixed and available in v15.0.0.7 Or v14.0.2.8.
Exception: Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Iotserver’A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma install iotserver 2) fwconsole ma enable iotserver in file /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php on line 213 Stack trace: