I have a ticket open to Sangoma support on this but response is very slow is anyone having issues with AD/UCP and/or User Management?
We have:
FreePBX: 15
UCP: 15.0.15
User Management:
I ran our system through the typcal update process last night, and this morning started receiving reports of no UCP access. I investigated and confirmed AD credentials were not being taken. I ran a forced sync in console with no change. Now I can not even view AD setting in user management module, it just spins, module admin does not allow me to rollback.
This makes no sense. 15 is security fixes only so nothing should be updated unless it is a security patch and I don’t see any discloses about a security issue that would cause updates to be released.
Perhaps, but this is really this is the only correlation, I have to it not working today. I tried to do a rollback and get:
Error(s) downloading userman:
Could not untar /var/www/html/admin/modules/_cache/userman- to /var/www/html/admin/modules/_cache
Pinning this globally over the weekend to see if more users are encountering the issue on v15.
Where did you get this information from ?
There are 3 ISOs currently available for download at Download | FreePBX - Let Freedom Ring versions 14, 15 and 16 – but only 14 is marked as EOL at this time and not seeing SFO on 15.
Just spun up a fresh 15 VM from ISO mentioned above, and it upgraded fine to latest userman and similarly was okay when going back down to using:
fwconsole ma downloadinstall userman --tag
There was a time when QC was a little less reliant on asking the users WTF doesn’t work. If you didn’t test it and nobody at Sangoma dis then why are you confused?
Nobody said that nobody at Sangoma tested this. Upgrade & downgrade were just tested by YT and working fine between module versions with no “Could not untar” errors.