Your own wiki had this stated about FreePBX versions. I can’t find it now with the old wiki gone and the new one lacking so much. I will fall back to the wayback machine to go find it and do your job for you. Also your seem confused on FreePBX Distro and FreePBX the GUI. Heck FreePBX 17 doesn’t even have a FreePBX Distro.
So one guy presses a button and that’s good enough for Sangoma ? In my company the testing is a little more rigourous, we ask both YT and Gladys the tea lady
Sounds lovely time at AstriCon in a couple weeks would be great!
She won’t be coming.
So even on the forums it was posted in lots of threads. Here is just 1 example. Freepbx not updating automatically anymore
Oh and another one from @lgaetz from 2023. So where is my apology @penguinpbx for once again having no clue what the policies of the project you manage are. Missed Call Notification for FreePBX15 - #6 by PitzKey
Pinging @lgaetz for clarification regarding those estimates that were provided on the forums.
Change logs show that the last userman module release was on December 9, 2024:
CDR Reports released last week
…leaving aside that trip to what’s actually happening on the ground in the project…
Attention users of v15
Please upgrade to version 16 or better yet 17 as soon as possible!
Didn’t you guys ‘edge’ Lorne out?
There is a sizeable section of users who say that 17 is not yet usable.
Still no apology and you’re still pretending that 15 isn’t major security fixes only. Here is more proof. Do I need to keep digging up info until you admit for once you are wrong.
This is a blog from your VP.
Not just in the forums. Here is the current project lead stating that v15 was SFO back in June 2024.
Because for some reason someone made the call to include Scribe in v15 back in Nov 2024 when v15 should have been officially EOL’d since v17 went general production. Multiple modules had to be updated in relation to the Scribe release because of all the bugs that have been found related to introducing Scribe.
There seems to be a huge misunderstanding of what is supported, SFO or EOL.
So with you splitting threads, and muting conversations this is kind of hard to follow @penguinpbx what is the current status of version 15? Would be good to hear this stuff from an authoritative source please.
Seems like the “Freedom to Communicate” tag line may just be a remnant of the past. @ncorbic @mwhite @jcolp anything official you can add? I also hear @jfinstrom was banned again for asking the same question. “Being Too Combative?” Hey stuff breaks sometimes, it’s how you react when things go sideways that shows your strength, if removing the “Freedom to Communicate” is the new standard, that is a sad day for the Project. “tango” the frog was chosen as the mascot because a tree frog supposedly doesn’t move backwards, only forwards. I guess the project feels like it is taking on another trait of the tree frog, which is hiding during the day, and being really hard to find. The silence and silencing is ironic, time to look for a new tagline.
So with this being marked as the solution along with the other documented statements found in regards to the status of v15. Does this mean the solution is that v15 is currently End of Life and should be marked and treated as such?
March 12th 2024 - Both the VP of Support and the Product Marketing Manager jointly released an official blog stating that as of that writing FreePBX v15 was Security Fixes Only until such time as FreePBX v17 was officially GA. When FreePBX v17 becomes GA, v15 would become End of Life.
Between March 12th and Aug 2nd 2024, the Project Leaders (former and current) made statements that FreePBX v15 was indeed in SFO status and at points it was reiterated that v15 would be EOL once FreePBX v17 was released as GA.
Aug 2nd 2024 - FreePBX v17 officially becomes GA. At this point logically it would mean that FreePBX v15 is official End of Life. However, within 60 days after officially reaching EOL FreePBX v15 gets a major feature update with the Scribe module being added. Additional multiple modules received updates as Scribe is dependant on them.
Nov 2024 - Now: All the modules Scribe is dependant have required multiple bugs fixes across v15 because Scribe was added. This is neither a SFO or EOL policy no matter what project it is.
From the actual development/coding standpoint it is a mess and makes everything even harder with this range of versions needed updates/fixes.
FreePBX v15 - PHP 5.x (No support, no fixes, a security issue.)
FreePBX v16 - PHP 7.x (No support, no fixes.)
FreePBX v17 - PHP 8.x (Current and supported)
Because of these varied versions of PHP, a fix can’t just be done on one release branch and cherry-picked to another release branch because it will break things. It basically means multiple updates have to be done to fix a problem that exists across versions.
I have noticed is that if a PR is made to fix a bug to the v17 release branch, even if that bug fix applies to v16/v15, internally there is never any movement to make sure that bug fix retro-actively gets pushed to v16/v15. At least not until someone says “We need this fix in v16” then it happens.