LinkedChannel=null$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

@sajit Unfortunately based on the information provided, I’m not sure what you are trying to do. Please provide more information as to what you are trying to do, what distribution you are using, a well as a little bit about your setup as it will help anyone trying to assist you.

i am facing issue of call popup remind calling, so when i revieved the log Dialed Channel, Dialing Channel, LINKED CHANNEL were null, changing the Call Popup inside CRM with the values received in these channels, since these channels were null, we are unable to track the Call Status, hence the Call Popup remind Calling.

So what setting i need to check in freepbx

This may be related to the fact that Zoho doesn’t support Asterisk newer than Version 1.4. I’ve been working with a client to get Zoho integrated with Asterisk 11 and 13, but it’s been slow going.

So I am having the same exact issue. And after extensive time on the phone with ZOHO here is what they responded with.

As discussed, We are using Asterisk Server Listener java package for our integration, which is not changed even in the latest versions of Asterisk. This listener has a function called PropertyChangeEvent which will be triggered whenever there is a change in the state of the Asterisk extension which it has been associated with. This will give the channel info and will contain the call related informations.
The Asterisks PBX Expert will know why the PropetyChangeEvent is giving us the channel details as null and they know from where to configure the changes, so that it gives proper channel data. These configuration changes can be done only by the Asterisk PBX expert as it can differ between different Asterisk servers. Please refer the below link for the PropertyChangeEvent by searching it on the page.
Asterisk-Java - Tutorial
Based on the Java class on the link below, the Java class has been developed from our end for integration.
Looking forward to assist you.

Then they also sent this as a follow up. It appears to the be the source code for the adapter.

As discussed the link below will contain the source code and methods that we use to develop the Asterisks adaptor. Please pass this on to a Asterisks PBX expert for additional information about the adaptor.
asterisk-java/src/main/java/org/asteriskjava at master · asterisk-java/asterisk-java · GitHub
Looking forward to assist you.

So with this, how and what can we do to solve this crazy ZOHO Phonebridge Adapter issue. Supposedly this would allow for the fix to also work with PJSIP which @cynjut knows I have been wanting it to use.

So now I turn this to the FreePBX guru base… How can we solve this?

hi Sajit
were you ever able to solve this issue? i’m new with zoho and i have the same problem

can you please know what exact issue you are facing?

I have the exact issue that you were having
Asterisk 14 with zoho phonbridge. No incoming call popup , and same NULL logged in the phonebridge logs

My issue is resolved before year.
You have to talk with zoho support they will share you one .jar file with change. If than also ur issue not get resolve than let me know i required ur log file to check

Below two files will need to get update by Zoho team


This os why im trying here, because their support is very poor :slight_smile:

@myr1de and I got this working for him about the same time Sajit dot it working.

There are two things about that that are sub-optimal.

  1. You have to go to Zoho to get the right interface software.
  2. you have to go to Zoho…
1 Like

Can you please attach ur log here

thank you

here it is

this is what they responded. they have my log and also a sample log of how that supposed to look like

We have checked the given logs and it looks like the Channel Details received from the PBX to our adapter is NULL, using these Channel details only we will be showing the Call pop-up inside CRM. Below is the information received from his PBX which is taken from his Logs.

newValue=Extension[context=‘sub-missedcallnotify’,extension=‘s’,priority=‘4’,application=‘AppDial2’,appData=(Outgoing Line)]; propagationId=null; source=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1526277254.17’,name=‘SIP/823-0000000d’,callerId=’<0732332823>’,state=‘UP’,account=‘null’,dateOfCreation=Mon May 14 08:54:14 IDT 2018,dialedChannel=null,dialingChannel=null,linkedChannel=null]]
May 14, 2018 8:54:37 AM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange
INFO: Dialing Channel=null
May 14, 2018 8:54:37 AM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange
INFO: Dialed Channel=null
May 14, 2018 8:54:37 AM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange
INFO: extNumber : 0732332823 chStat :UP<–
May 14, 2018 8:54:37 AM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange
May 14, 2018 8:54:37 AM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

In this all the Channel Details were NULL.

I have provided a sample call log trace below were we have mentioned how the Channel informations will be received from PBX and how we track the call pop-up inside CRM.

We got the following information by making a inbound call. In ztilog.txt.0 file, we should get the following kind of notification information and if you compare this with your own ztilog.txt.0 file you can identify the problem and can understand the info i have provided

When destination phone RINGING, we will have the following information

Channel has ==> name=‘SIP/300-00000009’,callerId=’“device” <300>’,state=‘RINGING’
Dialing Channel has ==>name=‘SIP/200-00000008’,callerId=’“device” <200>’

  • Got extn 300 from channel which is configured for a CRM user in PhoneBridge group
  • number 200 took from dialing channel which is not configured for any CRM user
  • Normally we will look caller id and caller name from channels and if both differs then we will take the correct one (Will split the caller name from “SIP/300-00000009” and will take 300)
    INFO: propertyChangeEvent :–> java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent[propertyName=state; oldValue=DOWN; newValue=RINGING; propagationId=null; source=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’,callerId=’“device” <300>’,state=‘RINGING’,account=‘null’,dateOfCreation=Mon Apr 20 17:41:00 IST 2015,dialedChannel=null,dialingChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536101.8’,name=‘SIP/200-00000008’],linkedChannel=null]]

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:00 PM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

INFO: Dialing Channel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536101.8’,name=‘SIP/200-00000008’,callerId=’“device” <200>’,state=‘RING’,account=‘null’,dateOfCreation=Mon Apr 20 17:40:59 IST 2015,dialedChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’],dialingChannel=null,linkedChannel=null]

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:00 PM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

INFO: Dialed Channel=null

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:00 PM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

INFO: extNumber : 300 chStat :RINGING<–

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:00 PM$AsteriskEvents getIDFromName

INFO: Ext No=300, Channel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’,callerId=’“device” <300>’,state=‘RINGING’,account=‘null’,dateOfCreation=Mon Apr 20 17:41:00 IST 2015,dialedChannel=null,dialingChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536101.8’,name=‘SIP/200-00000008’],linkedChannel=null]

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:00 PM$AsteriskEvents getUniqueDateOfCreation

INFO: Selected Date Of Creation = 2015-04-20 12:11:00 PM

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:00 PM$AsteriskEvents getIDFromName

INFO: Ext No=300, Channel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’,callerId=’“device” <300>’,state=‘RINGING’,account=‘null’,dateOfCreation=Mon Apr 20 17:41:00 IST 2015,dialedChannel=null,dialingChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536101.8’,name=‘SIP/200-00000008’],linkedChannel=null]

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:00 PM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

INFO: ZOHO.callReceived(null, 200, 300, 2015-04-20 12:11:00 PM)

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:00 PM com.zohocorp.zoho.ztiadapter.ZohoTeleAdapter$Zoho notifyEvent

INFO: generated call UID = 200_20150420121100PM

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:00 PM com.zohocorp.zoho.ztiadapter.ZohoTeleAdapter$Zoho notifyEvent

INFO: Notify Event = {dateofcreation=2015-04-20 12:11:00 PM, zuid=6064890, callrefid=200_20150420121100PM, tonumber=300, calltype=incoming, callstate=callreceived, fromnumber=200

On UP ie., on answer we will have the following information
Channel has ==> name=‘SIP/200-00000008’,callerId=’“device” <200>’,state=‘UP’
Linked Channel has ==> name=‘SIP/300-00000009’,callerId=’“device” <300>’
INFO: propertyChangeEvent :–> java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent[propertyName=linkedChannel; oldValue=null; newValue=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’,callerId=’“device” <300>’,state=‘UP’,account=‘null’,dateOfCreation=Mon Apr 20 17:41:00 IST 2015,dialedChannel=null,dialingChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536101.8’,name=‘SIP/200-00000008’],linkedChannel=null]; propagationId=null; source=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536101.8’,name=‘SIP/200-00000008’,callerId=’“device” <200>’,state=‘UP’,account=‘null’,dateOfCreation=Mon Apr 20 17:40:59 IST 2015,dialedChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’],dialingChannel=null,linkedChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’]]]

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:07 PM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

INFO: Dialing Channel=null

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:07 PM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

INFO: Dialed Channel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’,callerId=’“device” <300>’,state=‘UP’,account=‘null’,dateOfCreation=Mon Apr 20 17:41:00 IST 2015,dialedChannel=null,dialingChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536101.8’,name=‘SIP/200-00000008’],linkedChannel=null]

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:07 PM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

INFO: extNumber : 200 chStat :UP<–

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:07 PM$AsteriskEvents getIDFromName

INFO: Ext No=200, Channel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536101.8’,name=‘SIP/200-00000008’,callerId=’“device” <200>’,state=‘UP’,account=‘null’,dateOfCreation=Mon Apr 20 17:40:59 IST 2015,dialedChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’],dialingChannel=null,linkedChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’]]

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:07 PM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

INFO: LINKED CHANNEL ==> AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’,callerId=’“device” <300>’,state=‘UP’,account=‘null’,dateOfCreation=Mon Apr 20 17:41:00 IST 2015,dialedChannel=null,dialingChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536101.8’,name=‘SIP/200-00000008’],linkedChannel=null]

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:07 PM$AsteriskEvents getUniqueDateOfCreation

INFO: Selected Date Of Creation = 2015-04-20 12:11:00 PM

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:07 PM$AsteriskEvents getIDFromName

INFO: Ext No=300, Channel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’,callerId=’“device” <300>’,state=‘UP’,account=‘null’,dateOfCreation=Mon Apr 20 17:41:00 IST 2015,dialedChannel=null,dialingChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536101.8’,name=‘SIP/200-00000008’],linkedChannel=null]

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:07 PM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

INFO: ZOHO.callConnected(null, 200, 300, 2015-04-20 12:11:00 PM)

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:07 PM com.zohocorp.zoho.ztiadapter.ZohoTeleAdapter$Zoho notifyEvent

INFO: generated call UID = 200_20150420121100PM

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:07 PM com.zohocorp.zoho.ztiadapter.ZohoTeleAdapter$Zoho notifyEvent

INFO: Notify Event = {zuid=6064890, callrefid=200_20150420121100PM, tonumber=300, calltype=incoming, callstate=callconnected, fromnumber=200, closenotify=}

On HUNGUP ie., on call end, we will have the following information
Channel has ==> name=‘SIP/200-00000008’,callerId=’“device” <200>’,state=‘HUNGUP’
Dialed Channel has ==> name=‘SIP/300-00000009’,callerId=’“device” <300>’
INFO: propertyChangeEvent :–> java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent[propertyName=state; oldValue=UP; newValue=HUNGUP; propagationId=null; source=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536101.8’,name=‘SIP/200-00000008’,callerId=’“device” <200>’,state=‘HUNGUP’,account=‘null’,dateOfCreation=Mon Apr 20 17:40:59 IST 2015,dialedChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’],dialingChannel=null,linkedChannel=null]]

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:19 PM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

INFO: Dialing Channel=null

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:19 PM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

INFO: Dialed Channel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’,callerId=’“device” <300>’,state=‘HUNGUP’,account=‘null’,dateOfCreation=Mon Apr 20 17:41:00 IST 2015,dialedChannel=null,dialingChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536101.8’,name=‘SIP/200-00000008’],linkedChannel=null]

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:19 PM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

INFO: extNumber : 200 chStat :HUNGUP<–

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:19 PM$AsteriskEvents getIDFromName

INFO: Ext No=200, Channel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536101.8’,name=‘SIP/200-00000008’,callerId=’“device” <200>’,state=‘HUNGUP’,account=‘null’,dateOfCreation=Mon Apr 20 17:40:59 IST 2015,dialedChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’],dialingChannel=null,linkedChannel=null]

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:19 PM$AsteriskEvents getIDFromName

INFO: Ext No=300, Channel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536102.9’,name=‘SIP/300-00000009’,callerId=’“device” <300>’,state=‘HUNGUP’,account=‘null’,dateOfCreation=Mon Apr 20 17:41:00 IST 2015,dialedChannel=null,dialingChannel=AsteriskChannel[id=‘1429536101.8’,name=‘SIP/200-00000008’],linkedChannel=null]

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:20 PM$AsteriskEvents getUniqueDateOfCreation

INFO: Selected Date Of Creation = 2015-04-20 12:11:00 PM

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:20 PM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

INFO: Call Detail Record to get billablesec/callduration = null

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:20 PM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

INFO: Call Detail Record =>null

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:20 PM$AsteriskEvents propertyChange

INFO: ZOHO.callEnded(null, 200, 300, 2015-04-20 12:11:00 PM, -1)

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:20 PM com.zohocorp.zoho.ztiadapter.ZohoTeleAdapter$Zoho notifyEvent

INFO: generated call UID = 200_20150420121100PM

Apr 20, 2015 5:41:20 PM com.zohocorp.zoho.ztiadapter.ZohoTeleAdapter$Zoho notifyEvent

INFO: Notify Event = {billablesec=-1, zuid=6064890, callrefid=200_20150420121100PM, tonumber=300, calltype=incoming, callstate=callended, fromnumber=200}

Once you make sure that your PBX provide these information then our adapter will work fine.

Hope this helps you!

i have some update
i’ve tested the phonebridge on an older asterisk, and it works right away, perfectly
on the new one, it doesn’t
zoho’s developer insists that the new version does not send channel information and it’s not a problem with the adapter itself
please help?

Sounds like it’s time for an Issues ticket. If the old version worked and the new one doesn’t, I consider it a bug.

It’s cause astsrisk changed things around and the bridge from zoho hasn’t been updated by them. You will need to have them figure out what changed and how to adapt their bridge for newer asterisk versions.

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yeah. i think so too
but they wont cooperate
they insist it’s a problem with my system
i even installed a fresh asterisk out of the box with 1 test ext and still the same problem
anywhere i can modify the settings that will send them those settings: ?
instead of null, information will appear

When I was helping Joel with this, it wasn’t that it was “our” system that was the problem, it was because the Java interface was developed (but not maintained) by someone else. They are still using the Asterisk 1.4 interface for this, and Asterisk has moved on since 2005.

yeah. i tested it on 1.8 as well, also working
but with the new one it wont
i even tried to install an older java version on the asterisk 13 but same problem
is there no hope? :slight_smile: