James has been banned once again

Hi @ncorbic
Nice to see you there.
BTW, I sent you an email and you never replied. :wink:

Well. In absolute terms, I agree with you. But when you don’t like a criticism, it can remains a constructive criticism. Even if it can be of the “ad hominem” type or on Sangoma too.
In certain cases, we must also ask ourselves the right questions. Why did we get to this point? It is not a coincidence.
It can be constructive for everyone. And taking a step back, banning so many members and what is more, your colleagues you worked before, should clarify the fact that there is a real problem.

@tonyclewis and James are not John Doe.
Also, I imagine you have their phone number to discuss with them if needed.

It should be the time to clarify the situation regarding FreePBX and the open source you know?


I see Chris Sherwood’s comments remain conveniently hidden. Doesn’t look like much has changed.


So are all the other posts that have been flagged in this thread and others. It’s not like it’s being treated differently than any other flagged post.


Suggesting that the same dictatorial actions have been applied to others really doesn’t address the problem which is that the posts have been hidden in the first place.


Unfortunately, that doesn’t apply here. The post did violate the CoC. Now if Chris was to modify the post so that it didn’t violate the CoC, it should be restored.


Hi @BlazeStudios happy to address questions/concerns.
We can arrange a call or start a another thread or send me an email or DM.
ncorbic at sangoma.com



So to clarify. if any of us still feel there are any unresolved community questions/concerns we might still see, is to individually PM you instead of expressing it in this communities public space (which got some of us censored/suspended in the first place) ?

The option to “start another thread” was listed.

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You should be respectful of @penguinpbx, the powers that be have reduced his power to being a “comittee of one” so maybe you could still be banned for saying what you believe :wink:


I was being honest.

Honesty is the highest respect but so rarely see as such from the receiving side.

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I totally agree but apparently @ncorbic (CTO) is now personally involved with fixing this oopsie . . .

Interesting, didn’t know that… Ok. Thanks Dicko

Well . . . not quite yet

Yeah, that was before I put the puzzle piece together…

I’ve just been reading through this post for the first time, and I have to say, I’m saddened and disappointed for the whole community and the FreePBX project. I left another platform some years ago because it was being run by someone looking at their tonsils through a brown telescope, and I thought I’d discovered a better alternative. Indeed, the project itself is excellent, but like the other platform, it doesn’t matter how good the product is, if the organisation running it has gone off the rails, you’d better jump before you get swept into the carnage.

I don’t know a great deal about the organisation, history or politics here. Although I’ve been using FreePBX for maybe six or seven years, I haven’t paid much attention to the governance or those behind it, but this is a red flag day for me.

I cannot, and will not expose my business to the level of risk, associated with such a high level of disagreement, so it is time to consider other options and plan my way out.

I think I have a fair understanding of what is going on here, but rather than comment and add fuel to the fire, I would just like to highlight that this behaviour has caused me to reconsider my relationship with FreePBX and therefore Sangoma, entirely. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if there are many others in the community, witnessing this, and planning their own exit, or may be are even already taking steps to separate themselves and their valued businesses from this debacle.

So, regardless of whether I stand with the community or if I feel the moderation is harsh or not, the net result is that I’m out, and I very much doubt I’m the only one. Not everyone will want to voice an opinion, but maintaining their business on this platform, and putting their customers at risk will be too much to ask for many. It’s certainly not something I’m willing to do.

If there is a full fork of the project that is brought to life by the right people, I would probably support that. Not sure if it would come soon enough for me though.



3 :heart: and it was: flagged by the “community”

I refer back to the meme above… “Chew keep using dat word… I Don’na think it means what you think it means”

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I thought we were all past doing this. Guess nothing actually changed.

@ashcortech if you edit the post it’ll show up again so make it less “ad hominem”


I’ll come out and say that I was one person who flagged it. It was mean. You may disagree and you may feel justified in writing what you wrote but objectively, it did go against the code of conduct. Let’s get past bickering with Chris and just de-escalate the language of this forum a bit.

ps: if I write something unkind please go ahead and flag it. That’s the point of community moderation.