Your call cannot be completed as dialed but trunk line is on?

i am using

so what do i change ?

i am lost.

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I got to work so I won’t able to reply much now…

You need to track down what causes this:

[2017-02-03 00:15:23] WARNING[2013] chan_sip.c: Section ‘’ lacks type
[2017-02-03 00:15:23] WARNING[2013] chan_sip.c: Section ‘’ lacks type

This suggests there is something wrong with your trunk outbound settings, more specifically the line that begins with “type=”…

They should look a little like this (I copied this off something the setup someone mentioned using with voipo…):


You need to ask your provider to provide you with this info…

By the way, there are providers which seem a looooot more open to provide this info that voipo seems to… Some things I read suggests that, at least in the past, they did not allow you to BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)…

Good luck and have a nice day!


my provider wont help me they said there service is BYOD.

“is BYOD” or “is not BYOD”…

So what did you put in your trunk outbound settings if they did not provide you with that info?

Good luck and have a nice day!




I am using this pdf to setup with

If you’re over your head dealing with a provider that won’t provide support then you need to choose a different provider that will hold your hand through the configuration.

What company do you recommend voipo is crap.

Look for companies that publish clear support articles for FreePBX. Flowroute is a good example.

Sangoma, the owner of FreePBX, has SIPStation but I have no experience with them…

I am pretty happy with, Flowroute and I am now testing Localphone (which people seem to be pretty happy with…).

I would easily recomment the first two…

I also use one or two other providers for a few special situations, BulkVS and Didlogic…

You are more on your own with the last two, if you switch providers I don’t suggest you go with them…

Good luck and have a nice day!


Thanks for your reply did any use callcentric before if so what do you think of them ?

Thanks again I am looking at what are there rates?

Come on man, you are becoming a pest. The “RATES” link is right at the top of their main page!


Let’s try this: Start Over.

Delete all of your inbound routes.
Delete all of your outbound routes.
Delete all of your trunks.

After that, start with fresh trunks. The thing that’s a little hard to understand is that the trunk is there to send calls out. The setup of the trunk identifies what calls are going to be sent out on that trunk.

So, let’s identify the calls that are going out on this trunk. In your Dial Number Manipulation Rules - add the following:

You should now have 3 lines. For purposes of this tutorial, prefix should always be blank.

Since we are going to be doing the actual manipulation for the numbers in the outbound route, we just want to identify the stuff that can go out. We have identified the following formats for number that can use this trunk “NXXXXXX”, “NXXNXXXXXX”, and “1NXXNXXXXXX”. The number will always go out on the trunk as “1NXXNXXXXXX”

The numbers that will be processed by this trunk must match the patterns. The model is “If the Prefix + the pattern in the Number match, this trunk is chosen. Once chosen, the Prefix is removed and the Prepend is added to the front of the actual number.” If the Prefix is blank, the number is used.

If you want to add “911” (and any other number that matches some special codes), you can add those. in the Number Field. They don’t need any other modification. The will be transmitted out on the trunk as “911” (or whatever).

The point is that the trunk Dial Manipulation Rules shouldn’t really do a lot of manipulation - the numbers that show up at the trunk will be “mostly” fully formed numbers that are ready to dial.

Next, you need to set up your outbound routes. This is where you do the bulk of the actual manipulation of the numbers that will use this route go.

Once again, the “Prefix” and the “Number” decide which Outbound Route you will choose. If this route is chosen, you use the Prefix, Prepend, and Number in the Dialed Manipulation Rules as filters to select this route and to modify the outbound number.

At this point, you probably want to know why we have two different ways to do this - so an example might help. I have two different outbound trunks. One is a “US Only” trunk that only accepts US 10-digit numbers. I can’t even call places that are in the “011” Country code - I call anywhere else, including Puerto Rico, This trunk, however, is super cheap and lets me use Foreign Caller IDs (so it’s super convenient and cheap to forward calls to my cell). My other trunk will accept international calls and I have to format everything in Country Code and Number format.

So, for me, I only have two outbound routes. One is “special” for my cell phone and the other formats everything without a country code.

If the “US Only” trunk matches the number I’m dialing, the cheap trunk gets used. If it doesn’t (I’m calling Puerto Rico, for example) or if that trunk isn’t available, I use the other trunk. The number will have a ‘1’ added if one isn’t provided, or will dial the ‘1’ that is included - the trunk is configured to accept number that do or don’t have the ‘1’ on the front.

I know it’s a long post, but I hope it helps explain how trunks and routes work.

Hi Dave,


His provider (voipo) is weird though, if he uses a phone and call NXXXXXX they assume the 516, I never heard of that (but then I guess they set this up so that it behaves more like POTS…

I believe he wants to handle the case that someone might think (s)he has to dial “9” to get an outside line so he wants to accept those as well…

Personally I would add a separate route to handle emergency calls but the first thing to do is to get things working…

If I were him I would not do it with voipo though, they don’t want his business if they don’t support using it with PBXes and the like…

I think most of mine have nothing there…

Let’s get things working before going in those kind of setup…

According to the log he posted earlier there doesn’t mean to be any attempt at dial so something is most likely wrong in his trunk configuration (or possibly his phones) and this

[2017-02-03 00:15:23] WARNING[2013] chan_sip.c: Section ‘’ lacks type
[2017-02-03 00:15:23] WARNING[2013] chan_sip.c: Section ‘’ lacks type

suggests something wrong in his outbound settings or his phones… I guess it could be his phones since he seems to have two extensions and there are two errors in a row… Could a problem with his phone cause the problem he is seeing? I am not quite sure…

Have a nice day,


Totally - a separate Outbound Route for the Emergency calls is a really good idea. This can also be marked as an emergency route in the system, which makes it even clearer.

Yeah - I’m using several other providers and ALL of them are there when I have a question. My most expensive domestic ITSP is a fraction of a cent per minute, so whatever he’s paying is probably too much.

Yeah - I know. Hopefully he’ll go slow and set everything up stepwise this time.

One thing I noticed was that the trunk configuration he posted didn’t have a name. I’m pretty sure that’s wrong.

Thanks I will try it and post an update !!

Thanks everyone for your help I just delete and re-added but still nothing: