We have freepbx 14 installed on ubuntu 16.04 and all worked fine. But after last update I am got error with ucp module upgrade:
Module(s) requiring upgrades: ucp
Upgrading module ‘ucp’ from to
Downloading module ‘ucp’
Processing ucp
Verifying local module download…Verified
Download completed in 0 seconds
Updating tables ucp_sessions…finished
sh: 1: icu-config: not found
icu is not installed. You need to run: yum install icu libicu-devel
Unable to install module ucp
I am haved
PHP Version => 5.6.40-6+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+3
Internationalization support => enabled
version => 1.1.0
ICU version => 64.1
ICU Data version => 64.1
and icu-config located at /opt/icu64.2/bin/icu-config
Unfortunately there is an unnecessary yum
only dependency on libicu-devel in that module, you can either edit the php code to the wrath of signature signing or download the rh 7 rpm, use alien to create a Deb package, then dpkg -i to install it, then install ucp and finally dpkg -r to remove the alien Deb. Your current libicu-dev Deb. is higher than the base needed
I was downloaded centos icu-50.1.2-17.el7.x86_64.rpm and libicu-devel-50.1.2-17.el7.x86_64.rpm, converted and installed it successfully.
Then run "sudo fwconsole ma install ucp " and got another error:
pdating tables ucp_sessions…Завершено
icu-config-64: Can’t find /usr/lib64/libicuuc.so - ICU prefix is wrong.
Try the --prefix= option
or --detect-prefix
(If you want to disable this check, use the --noverify option)
icu-config-64: Exitting.
icu is not installed. You need to run: yum install icu libicu-devel
i see
/usr/lib64/libicuuc.so is a broken symbolic link to libicuuc.so.50.1.2
I am think that only way for now is to migrate on cent os…