Sangoma P3XX no call log available

I am having an issue where all of our sangoma phones are not showing calls under the “Call log” option on the phones.
I have applied all system/module upgrades and restarted the system. Including upgrading the modules from the cli using fwconsole ma upgradeall.
I’ve checked to make cdr logging is on by going to Advanced Settings → Enabled CDR Logging and set it to yes (It was already set to yes).
Any help is appreciated. Thank you

Hi We are also having same issue, also status is blank,

was this since upgrading to 4.XX firmware ?

I do have a ticket open as its affecting 500 handsets .

Need specific models and specific firmware version.

P310 4_15_4
Freepbx 16 all modules upto date, was working on 3_X ok updated my lab one to match customers after report of issue , Will revert to lower level to see where it went wrong

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Reverted to 3_9_0 and that works as it does in 3_11_1 which is last before 14_

I can see the issue and have escalated to Engineering. There’s an environment variable that needs to be set differently on the P31X depending on whether you’re using 3_X or 4_X firmware. At the moment, EPM is setting it for 3_X.

Ok , Thanks, can that be set by editing the basefile ? got 500 unhappy users at the moment

My situation is exactly the same as cyberco. P310 on firmware version 4_15_4


<setting id="server_environment" value="DPMA"/>


<setting id="server_environment" value="Switchvox"/>

Is that for all models or just teh P310 and P315 ?

I don’t know how to answer that.

From 4_15 and forward, all (P310, P315, P320, P325, P330, P370) should respond, behave generally the same in so far as the core of the telephone is concerned…

That server environment tells the phone to behave in a specific way. It says “Switchvox,” but we co-opted that for FreePBX/PBXact and EPM+DPMA, rather than creating more conditionals on the phone.

A D60 behaves very differently at its core, as does a P310 or P315 on firmware < 4_15. Someone who’s using a DXX model with the older RESTful Apps shouldn’t make that change to a DXX template, for example.

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I can confirm that works for teh P310 on 4_15_4 firmware.

is it save to roll out that change to P310 and P320 ?
I dont have a P320 to test with here

Is your P320 experiencing a call log issue following a firmware update from <4_15 to 4_15?

There were no changes made w.r.t. call log API processing on the telephones between 4_14 and 4_15.

im getting the customer to check , they mainly have 310 handsets.

Ack. To answer, no, I don’t think it’ll break anything, but there are a lot of moving parts…If something were to break, should you apply that change more liberally (other models), then I’d expect it to be a server-side, apps issue, as the core of the phones from 4_15 and forward are the same…so Lorne’s comment about letting ENG have a look at it is a good one. You’re welcome to try this as a work-around for now.

Hi I had a case open and Christian has come back with the same response to make teh base file change

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Try this

User Management
Pbx internal Directory
Phone apps >>>> allow access

fixed the issue

Just tried latest 4_16_2 in P315 phones, but the issue is still there:

  • no call log
  • no status

I have been dealing w/ a similar issue. Sometimes call logs will work on a P370 and sometimes they’ll stop working. However I think mine is a routing/firewall issue as only the P370s are not respecting my LLDP settings.

In our case it is caused by the new unified firmware major version, 4_x_x_x.
Reverting to the 3_x_x_x all is back to normal.