RESOLVED: Module Update "Whaa" Problem

Are you also getting the Whaa text in the top right-hand corner of the web interface?

Yes, i have strange “Whaa”.

Yes. Whaa is in the top left hand corner for me.

Please start following and vote we are all having the same issue who have updated their servers.

Whaaaa!!! Me too!!!

A rollback on the module sysadmin resolves the problem for now. See the mentioned bug tracker for more information.

Great, there is a fix, now. How does a user “rollback” so I can get my system running?

My last comment there gives you the steps.

Thanks could not find how to “rollback” most likely due to frustration.
Now I am getting “Reload failed because retrieve_conf encountered an error: 1” when I try to rollback.
I have a broken system!

The fix is in sysadmin For all those that are still having issues please post here and I will attempt to walk you through fixing them

Confirmed, updated to without issues. Thanks!