One extension on two phones

I’m experiencing an issue with two Grandstream WP822 cordless phones that I’ve set up on a single extension (PJSIP). Initially, both phones were ringing correctly, but now, only one rings at a time. I checked Asterisk Info and noticed that only one phone is listed as available, despite both phones web gui saying they are registered. When I reboot one phone, the available status switches to the other phone.

Endpoint:  215/215                                              Not in use    0 of inf
OutAuth:  215-auth/215
InAuth:  215-auth/215
Aor:  215                                                2
Contact:  215/sip:[email protected]:28101;x-ast-orig-h 075a2c483c Unavail         nan
Contact:  215/sip:[email protected]:18753;x-ast-orig-h 3ba8c63470 Avail       175.526

If these phones are not on the same LAN as the PBX and there is a firewall doing NAT between them I would look at the firewall to see if something changed or miss configured there.

The PBX is hosted on VPS (Linode) so not on the same network as the phones. I don’t think there has been any changes to the network since I configured the phones.

If it’s a NAT issue I could try using VPN.

Give that a try as that should eliminate NAT from the picture.

Actually check the Max Contacts setting under the Advanced tab under the affected extension. Make sure it’s set to more than 1.

I had this issue when I set it up, it’s currently set to 2, should I increase it?

I mean, if you only have 2 then 2 should be enough.

Yeah that’s true

I’ve setup a VPN on the router and pointed both phones to the PBX’s address

Still that same

Endpoint:  215/215                                              Not in use    0 of inf
OutAuth:  215-auth/215
InAuth:  215-auth/215
Aor:  215                                                4
Contact:  215/sip:[email protected]:18753              2857cb6bbe Avail       104.555
Contact:  215/sip:[email protected]:28101              f66a618ac2 Unavail         nan

It’s actually worse now

Endpoint:  215/215                                              Unavailable   0 of inf
OutAuth:  215-auth/215
InAuth:  215-auth/215
Aor:  215                                                4
Contact:  215/sip:[email protected]:18753              2857cb6bbe Unavail         nan
Contact:  215/sip:[email protected]:28101              f66a618ac2 Unavail         nan

I moved them back to going through the internet and both were working for a couple of minutes but now they’re back to only one working.

Endpoint:  215/215                                              Not in use    0 of inf
OutAuth:  215-auth/215
InAuth:  215-auth/215
Aor:  215                                                4
Contact:  215/sip:[email protected]:28101;x-ast-orig-h 075a2c483c Unavail         nan
Contact:  215/sip:[email protected]:18753;x-ast-orig-h 3ba8c63470 Avail       101.773

(Ignore the IP address differences in the original post as I’m just obscuring them)

Try more than 2, like 4. Just as a test.

I changed it earlier to 4 no difference.

I’ve run into this before where the router or end-user device does not like two extensions on the same IP and Port number. I have a Panasonic TPG-500 which required me to set different local ports for each extension it serves because multiple port 5060 on one IP was an issue. I don’t have a Grandstream DECT system like yours but you seem to have a similar issue.

Do you see the registration attempts in the log? Is there any kind of error messages?

This does not resolve your question, but if you need a resolution sooner than later… Would it work to have two separate extensions, create a ring group that rings them both, and if no answer the extensions share a common voicemail?

Set up extension A normally. Enable Follow Me to simultaneously ring extension B. Set CID Num Alias for B to extension A’s number, so calls from B will show as if they are from A. Set Mailbox for B same as it shows on A.

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I was thinking it was something like this, both phones are on Wi-Fi they’re not DECT.

Putting both phones on the same extension was meant to be a solution to another problem which was the second phone would say the calls were missed even know the calls were taken on the first phone.

Marked answered elsewhere is an option for a ringgroup. Do your phones support that?

I’m guessing that the phones don’t support that as we have that option turned on.

I’m not sure where I’d be able to find whether the phones support ‘Mark Answered Elsewhere’ but I’ve tested the options:

Set to No: The Grandstream shows the call was missed.
Set to Yes: The Grandstream does not show the call in the history
Set to Always: Same as Yes