Just a quick update on new functionalities in FreePBX 17.
Asterisk 22 Now Available in FreePBX 17.
To update the “asterisk-version-switch” script, please run an “apt update && apt install asterisk-version-switch”
For instructions on how to use the “asterisk-version-switch” script to switch to Asterisk 22, refer to the wiki.
We have thoroughly tested Asterisk 22 with FreePBX 17 to ensure full compatibility. However, we recommend conducting basic testing in your production environment before deploying it to production
Updated ffmpeg package in Sangoma’s Debian repo -
Please refer to the comment in below issue to know more about how to update this package.
The module changelog in the module admin page has been improved to now include a detailed list of fixed issues. It also features hyperlinks that directly redirect to the relevant issue on GitHub for open-source issues, or to the internal Jira bug tracking system for commercial or internal issues.
We have released an updated FreePBX 17 Debian package that includes the latest stable modules and fixes. Additionally, it addresses an issue in the Apache service file to resolve the problem of Apache not starting during boot for the freshly installed system.
Thank you for allowing FreePBX 17 to use the Debian provided ffmpeg package.
For the installs of FreePBX 17 that exist already, do admins have to run the
apt update
apt install ffmpeg
commands for ffmpeg to upgrade, or will the next apt update; apt upgrade do it for them? I can’t test this because I think I have removed all the ffmpeg packages off of our new PBXes.
Tests were carried out, and I verified that Asterisk versions 21 and 22 have some delay in relation to the interaction with digits on the ura, when typing any option configured on the ura with freepbx 17, it takes more or less 4 to 5 seconds for the interaction to work, I also found errors when transferring from one to another, the connection does not complete as it normally works in freepbx versions 15 and 16, these versions work with Asterisk 16 to 20 and they work very well so far, it would be interesting to check these details. Thanks in advance.