Latest Updates Broke FreePBX 13

I updated FreePBX from Module Admin today and now many of the modules open with an error.

filter_input_array() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given

The error location is:

Whoops\Exception\ErrorException /­var/­www/­html/­admin/­libraries/­utility.functions.php1589

Modules like Module Admin, Incoming Routes, Outgoing Routes no longer open and give that error.

I’ve manually used fwconsole to upgrade framework, core, ucp, dashboard, etc. to see if one of them failed to update. I also did an updateall to see if something wasn’t updated. Same issue. I also went through the email with all the updates listed and made sure to fix them.

This is not a SNG install. It’s FreePBX running on Centos 6.


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