and I just liked 2 of your posts so we’re square
Thanks for your help and openness. I’m confident that everyone here agrees the best path forward is one of mutual cooperation and goodwill, and your actions @jcolp help immensely towards that goal.
and I just liked 2 of your posts so we’re square
Thanks for your help and openness. I’m confident that everyone here agrees the best path forward is one of mutual cooperation and goodwill, and your actions @jcolp help immensely towards that goal.
Well @jcolp my trust level remains at “member” level. Perhaps you can look into that also?
I went from T4 to member. Not sure how fair that is given my history here.
At the risk of being labeled a “latecomer” which I am reading as a slur, (implying that anyone who weighs in late is incompetent,) I will point out several things in the original screenshot that nobody in the last 100 or so posts seems to have noticed.
The post uses 2 labels that are " Macaronic language" If you don’t know what that is Wikipedia can enlighten you. The first was the label “Siene exzellenz diktator” the second “das fuhrer” Both labels were designed as an analogy to 1940’s Germany
The second is the obvious Godwin’s Law application. Once more if you don’t know what Godwin’s Law is, wikipedia can inform you but I cannot imagine any REAL nerdy tech type NOT knowing what it is.
My conclusion therefore is this:
James Finstrom’s ban for “ad hominem” was completely unnecessary. The moment he wrote “das fuhrer” per Godwin’s Law he immediately lost. Do not pass Go do not collect $200 - immediately, he lost the discussion.
Unless of course he wishes to argue that Godwin’s Law does not apply to him - in which case, he’s not a techey nerd - by definition - and thus nothing he says here has any meaning. In fact, I believe from my reading of multiple opinions of Godwin’s Law that any argument claiming that Godwin’s Law does not apply to the violator is itself a Godwin’s Law violation thus making that means you lose once again.
My observation of the “Code of Conduct” is that it’s basically an amateur version of netiquette that has already been worked out and codified decades earlier - rules such as Godwin’s Law, Principle of Parsimony, Petulance in Dealing With Adversity, and so on - which can be used to immediately determine winners and losers without the bother of arguing over reinventing the wheel on what’s right or not (for example, calling for a thread to end when you are done but others aren’t a Petulance in Dealing With Adversity rule violation) and, truly, is entirely unnecessary.
It is, I believe, the fact that the Code of Conduct is so -incomplete-, compared to the time-tested online rules (such as Godwin’s), that is root of most of the problem here and MY vote is that it be completely scrapped, and the old-school rules be applied.
And so now that I’ve (hopefully) successfully gotten both “sides” to hate me - since I’ve cut them to pieces - I will exit and sit back with a bag of popcorn and watch the arrows fly!
Fun fact I know Mike (Godwin). I didn’t call anyone “Hitler” though others absolutely did and did not ger banned which was kinda weird. I did imply a dictator and supreme leader but I have no control of inferences. We have had lots of dictators in world history but people seem to like the German guy with a funny mustache.
In any case I would never imply anyone in these forums committed genocide etc. It does seem reasonable to imply a system of leadership where there is totalitarian control and be disappointed in it.
@dicko You meet all the criteria except for flags, so I’ve set you to regular. While it is locked now, I will re-visit and unlock in a few months so that criteria have to be fulfilled again. I just can’t do that now because Discourse will automatically demote you.
@tonyclewis Looking at the criteria for trust level 3 disregarding suspensions/flags/etc you meet it now so I’ve set you to it, for trust level 4 that is a larger discussion which I have created a thread on to get feedback: Trust Level 4 Criteria
Well. I know @dicko, he was a member of the Elastix community forum and I was a moderator and admin. Once you know him. He is a good guy. Maybe a little bloody sometimes, but he is a smart guy and always there to help someone.
Just have a discuss with him in private to find a calm with good words.
You should know that the main problem is some kind of frustration regarding the way FreePBX is becoming.
For my part, I’m worry too.
I really don’t understand, how the adaptation of trust levels can solve the problem. This is a clash of cultures! On one side the founders of freePBX and previous owners & developers and on the other side the current owner of freePBX&Asterisk, Sangoma.
The “old guys” are complaining that Sangoma does not properly maintain freePBX…just reducing the costs to an absolute minimum (>India). They fear that the quality of freePBX will go down.
Sangoma management does not talk to the “old guys”…which further worsens the situation. So, now the forum is full of complaints and end of the world talk.
New users of freePBX get repelled by it. So it’s some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy…
There is not just one problem, but many problems. The problem I’m sorting out right now is getting things to a state on the forum where everyone is comfortable to participate. Cleaning up trust levels is one aspect so things are back to the way they were, and for cases in doing so where community input is warranted I’ll ask for it (such as for the Trust Level 4 discussion).
I’ll also personally push for things on FreePBX itself, but my heart still belongs with Asterisk.
Yes, thanks…but soon Django unchained will return and then what?
I have hope that everyone going forward can keep a level head and collectively we can all work to improve things in the various ways we each can - including me.
Reading through this, @penguinpbx just makes me furious. Makes me curious how he got a job?
Hope things can start going in the right direction now.
I would fully support a fork.
Well. This is the main problem.
Nobody is able to clarify the situation about the future of FreePBX and its roadmap
I understand there are additional problems and one of them is that topic. James has put forth bringing this particular thread to an end, and it will auto-close in 5 hours. For future discussions new topics can be created, or concerns can be added to A new topic to hopefully clear the air, and get as yet unresolved concerns/issues cleared up (such as via a new post on it or linking to a past specific post). I will ensure things are looked at by the appropriate parties. Do be aware that with next week being AstriCon, some responses will likely be delayed (even by me - which is saying something) due to travel and being there.
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