I don’t undestand if on this steps i have to copy and paste like it:
mysql -u root -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON asterisk.* TO asteriskuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY ‘${ASTERISK_DB_PW}’;"
mysql -u root -e “GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON asteriskcdrdb.* TO asteriskuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY ‘${ASTERISK_DB_PW}’;”
or i have to write my password in ‘${ASTERISK_DB_PW}’;"
For example
mysql -u root -e “GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON asterisk.* TO asteriskuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY ‘${test123}’;”
Because always when i stard the dashboard i receive some alert…
No… If you want to do it that way (which I don’t suggest you do, you better follow all the steps as they are given on the wiki and not improvise if you are not yet familiar with FreePBX), you would have write it as
Don’t change anything to these two lines, paste them as they are…
What you could most likely (and quite likely should change) is the password (defined in the previous step) but I would not try that until you are sure that you have a working setup…
(ie try those lines verbatim and ensure you have a working setup, once it works you could try changing things like that)
For your information in this particular case it would not change much, -c is used to add a comment to the user so “Asterisk user” or “asterisk” would not make any difference since it is a comment…