i was trying to install free pbx 17 from github on debian 12 on a light sail aws server, everytihng got install i got a message exiting script, i rebooted the system and visited my public ip it goes direclty to Apache2 Debian Default Page and i saw in some videos that we have to put /admin to acess pbx but its not working for me. can any one help
ls -l /var/www/html/*
I have to type this after my ip ? Like ??
I tried to run this its says to permision denied.
Thats probably your problem exposed, that scripts needs to be run as ‘root’ and the root account does certainly not have many permissions denied
Can you please guide me how to make it right.
start over after logging in as root if you haven’t set up ssh for root access as the README should say,
su -c bash
and give the root password
Did you install FreePBX as root? because that is a needed qualification for the install script to be not “not working”, There is an install log generated that you should probably read
Yes i entered sudo -i command
Then it accessed the root file
Then installed it
and the log file says ?
Hi @kohli123
Please ensure install script is running with root user,
If you get “message exiting script” then installation was not success, you can find the exact error caused to exit the scrip in /var/log/pbx/freepbx17-install-xxx.xx.xxx.log
Also can you give a retry to run the install script with root user
I have reinstalled it 3 times everytime its same
Stop doing what you are doing, it’s not working,
after installing Debian, safest way to gain a real root login is to use su (switch user) (not sudo (do as a switched user) because for boring esoteric reasons , they are NOT the same thing.
su -
and type the root password, if you doubt me, for the long form
man su
for a synopsis
su --help
Then the script should run to completion.
Actually i am using light sail on aws it dont have any root password so thats why i am confused
I am new to these codes and all
go buy a digitalocean droplet or similar for $5 you will get root there , it will work and then you can go and whine to Amazon
Go to install script path where you have downloaded the sng_freepbx_debian_install.sh script and run below command to install the script, if its failed, pls check the install logs, if possible share the error logs which gives some clues for failed.
bash sng_freepbx_debian_install.sh
what you can see in /var/log/pbx/freepbx17-install-xxx.xx.xxx.log it will show why script failed.
can you share that error