How-To Guide for Google Voice with Freepbx 14 & asterisk gvsip, Ubuntu 18.04


I followed the directions and had no problems during installation but I can not make or receive external calls. I do not get any ringing just a “the number is not answering” and some beeps

If anyone has the time to look at this I have included the output from asterisk below.

what does this show, Registered or Unregistered?:

pjsip show registrations

If Unregistered then do this if you have not yet:

sudo sed -i -e 's/' /etc/asterisk/pjsip_custom_post.conf

I need to edit this information in the main guide, but for some odd reason I can no longer edit the opening post of this thread.

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Thanks alot this and a reboot fixed the problem!

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I’ve followed this guide and it’s been working until yesterday, until which now, when i do pjsip show registrations it says rejected, so i’m not sure what’s going on, i’ve already changed the obhai to voice stuff so i have know idea what’s going on, i do get an error about no response from server so not sure if that’s why or what but many reboots do nothing

^^Google is mucking around again.

Review the last page of this thread: . Specifically posts from the last 2 days.

Try this:

sudo sed -i -e 's/' /etc/asterisk/pjsip_custom_post.conf
sudo sed -i -e 's/' /etc/asterisk/pjsip_custom_post.conf

Then reboot.

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yep, that did it, looks like google seems to like every month change the registration address, which gets really annoying…

I am sure they are just working out the bugs, lol. Once they got it done it will likely be rock solid service like it has been for the last decade!

(No not sarcasm, I only had an issue with my google voice service using freepbx system a few times over the last 8 years prior to xmpp shutting down.)

Is that sarcasm? Because even with it was using XMPP, Google Voice broke constantly due to their updates and changes. People were hitting this forum and the IRC room constantly with “GV down for anyone else?”. This guide was posted four months ago, this is now the 3rd change that has broken how it works from Google. That so far as been par for the course.

However, what I do find interesting about this is the fact that the only changes that are breaking connections are the URI’s. Especially since both the new URI is resolving to the exact same IP that still resolves to. Granted the is resolving to a different IP but that doesn’t automatically mean it is a “different” system.

So a pretty good theory here is that they are changing their domains to do exactly what is has been doing. Breaking things like this.

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This whole third party service also violates the Google Voice terms of service.


I know. I mentioned all that at the start of this thread and was basically told to stop being negative.

What is the problem?

[2018-11-12 17:53:32] ERROR[2378] pbx_functions.c: Function CURLOPT not registered
[2018-11-12 17:53:32] ERROR[2378] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: CURL is unavailable. This is required for OAuth 2.0 authentication. Please ensure it is loaded.
[2018-11-12 17:53:32] WARNING[2378] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Obtaining OAuth access token failed
[2018-11-12 17:53:32] WARNING[2378] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Failed to set initial authentication credentials

At first glance I would say one of the curl packages are not installed… but installing them is part of the guide so I doubt that’s it, but I guess you could double check. I have not actually ran into that issue on any of my installs.

I haven’t tried using my gvsip trunk since Thursday the 8th at which point it was working fine. This morning the trunk wasn’t registered. Found the posts about using and changed all my entries to that. Restarted asterisk, rebooted, and now I am getting:

Temporal response ‘503’ received from ‘’ on registration attempt

Anyone else seeing this?

As an update for anyone else looking, I applied the following fixes in order:

sed -i ‘s|||’ /root/gvsip-naf/install-gvsip
sed -i ‘s|||g’ /root/gvsip-naf/install-gvsip
sed -i ‘s|||’ /root/gvsip-naf/install-gvsip
sed -i ‘s|||g’ /root/gvsip-naf/install-gvsip

deleted all gvsip entries in pjsip_custom.conf, restarted asterisk and re-ran install-gvsip

So far trunk is registered and working.

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I’ve applied these steps on Monday and the trunk got registered and I was able to make and receive calls. But today I couldn’t make outbound calls (didn’t try inbound) , checked the trunk and it was showing registered, restarted asterisk with fwconsole command and after now it is again rejected…

are you following this guide from the beginning or where did you get install-gvsip shell/bash script?

I’m at a loss as well; it was working fine yesterday and Monday after updating the server address, and now its not working. I am (im)patiently waiting for an update on whats going on here as I don’t want to mess up anything before a known working config is found.

Answers are on dslreports. Link(s) are few posts up.

My apologies. It has been a LONG time since I set this up and went through many iterations to get it working. I actually ended up using IncrediblePBX and the install-gvsip script is part of that install. You should probably be able to accomplish the same thing by backing up and clearing out your gvsip entries from pjsip_custom_post.conf and re-creating them. Note in IncrediblePBX these entries are in pjsip_custom.conf.