I only want the reports from CDR, I dont need CEL reports.
There is anyway to deactivate CEL?
If I modify on:
And restart asterisk:
CLI> cel show status
CEL Logging: Enabled
CEL Tracking Event: ALL
CEL Tracking Event: CHAN_START
CEL Tracking Event: CHAN_END
CEL Tracking Event: HANGUP
The changes doesnt looks like to take place
If I modify cel_general_additional.conf:
and restart Asterisk then:
CLI> cel show status
CEL Logging: Disabled
The changes looks like to take place, but if you modify any parameter on FreePPBX and press apply changes, the system put enable=yes again
There is anyway to deactivate cel on freepbx? Or I will need to clean all the days the database with a cron?
To change settings in FreePBX you generally want to edit the *custom_post.conf files, in this case, cel_custom_post.conf.
There is an advanced setting, âEnable CEL Reportingâ that I think should disable CEL logging, but I just tested and it doesnât seem to. Perhaps @jfinstrom can confirm that my understanding of this parameter is correct.
Edit 3 years later - something changed since the original post. Disabling CEL can now be done by adding the following to the file cel_general_custom.conf:
Then execute:
CLI> core reload
CLI> cel show status
CEL Logging: Enabled
CEL Tracking Event: ALL
CEL Tracking Event: CHAN_START
CEL Tracking Event: CHAN_END
CEL Tracking Event: HANGUP
Maybe the parsers is not working or maybe I am doing any incorrect
For example, with extensions_custom.conf and sip_custom.conf I dont have any problems.
This only affects to the visualization on the CDR reports module, if you put this parameter off and go to CDR reports you cant see the CEL info what is related to the CDR, but a new entries are created in the database asociated to CEL.
Would the CEL module be back ported to asterisk 11 at this point?
The Reports | Call Event Logging page says the CEL module needs A12 but âcel show statusâ in A11 shows it running away quite happily.