Freepbxhosting ( and Freepbx 14 to 15 upgrade problems

I tried to upgrade a new freepbx install to version 15.

I iterated on the module admin updates so everything updated after all dependencies were met.

I installed and ran the 14 to 15 updater

Now all the commercial modules say “Enabled; Not available online”.

Any suggestions?

If you are a licensed user of one of the commercial modules, can you open a commercial module support ticket so we can investigate?

Will do. Does the conversion tool leave a walk somewhere?

It may. It depends on what meaning you assign to the words, “leave a walk”.

Typo - leave a log - sorry about that. Spelling correction got me when I was trying to rush out the door.

I did submit a ticket with the details (940922). Happy to provide whatever access - it’s a fresh install on a cloud machine.

Do you need to renew a license to allow for module upgrading? Even if you are licensed to use a module, that is separate from upgrade/software maintenance licensing which generally has to be repurchased each year you want upgrades.

I did check the licenses. All valid per the System Admin activation tab.

I did double check as there was a warning about the system getting totally messed up.

I don’t recall seeing the warning on my home machine, but that was a week ago.

The licenses being valid for use versus being valid for upgrades/new versions are two different things. If you haven’t paid for upgrades for your commercial modules in the past year, you likely do not have licenses for upgraded/new versions of the modules, merely to use the last version you had access to download (which probably won’t work on FreePBX 15). The commercial module “use” licenses tend to be good for 25-40 years, but commercial module upgrades generally have to be renewed annually. You may have upgraded FreePBX without the license to upgrade the commercial modules.

New machine on freepbxhosting. Includes licenses.

I’m not sure if the System Admin should say something to the right of it?

In that case Sangoma will have to look into it - you should be to access the FreePBX 15 versions of those three commercial modules in an upgrade scenario.

Thanks. I tried to cover the basics - even starting from scratch. But I’ve also been known to overlook things on occasion.

Nate from Cyberlynk here.

I’ve spun up a test VPS to attempt to reproduce the issue and will report back my experience shortly. If the result is the same as what OP reported, I can provide the VPS to Sangoma for add’l testing.



Thanks Nate - I’m also willing to share access to the one I attempted. I’m hopeful that just did something wrong. Everything has always “just worked” with freepbxhosting/ - so I wanted to spin up a new v15 pbx!

Just a quick update, I spun up a new VPS on our production environment and was able to reproduce the issue. All but a handful of the Commercial modules show as “Enabled; Not available online” despite the upgrade passing all pre-flight checks and appearing totally successful otherwise.

[root@freepbx ~]# fwconsole ma listonline | grep Commercial
| areminder            |  | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| broadcast            |  | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| callerid             |  | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| calllimit            |   | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| conferencespro       |  | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| cos                  | 15.0.8     | Enabled and up to date                     | Commercial  |
| endpoint             | 14.0.26    | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| extensionroutes      |  | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| faxpro               | 14.0.12    | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| freepbx_ha           | 13.0.11    | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| pagingpro            |  | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| parkpro              |  | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| pinsetspro           |  | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| pms                  |            | Not Installed (Locally available)          | Commercial  |
| queuestats           |   | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| qxact_reports        |            | Not Installed (Locally available)          | Commercial  |
| recording_report     |   | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| restapps             | 14.0.17    | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| sangomacrm           | 14.0.19    | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| sipstation           |   | Enabled and up to date                     | Commercial  |
| sms                  | 15.0.4     | Enabled and up to date                     | Commercial  |
| sysadmin             |  | Enabled and up to date                     | Commercial  |
| vega                 |            | Not Installed (Locally available)          | Commercial+ |
| versionupgrade       | 14.0.3     | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| vmnotify             |   | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| voicemail_report     | 14.0.4     | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| vqplus               |  | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |
| webcallback          |  | Enabled; Not available online              | Commercial  |

I’ll open a ticket as well, referencing the one already opened by @brk so I can provide the server info and the steps to reproduce.



EDIT: Created ticket #940983

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Hi @ngingras and @brk

My prelim investigation indicates this is a portal issue where CyberLync branded systems on 15 are not getting access to all the repos. Tickets are in my name, and I will escalate in the am.

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@lgaetz @ngingras
Is there any update on this? I’m still showing most commercial modules not available on my cyberlynk instance that has been updated to FreePBX 15.

| areminder            |  | Enabled; Not available online               | Commercial |
| broadcast            |  | Enabled; Not available online               | Commercial |
| callerid             |  | Enabled; Not available online               | Commercial |
| calllimit            |   | Enabled; Not available online               | Commercial |
| conferencespro       |  | Enabled; Not available online               | Commercial |
| cos                  | 15.0.8     | Enabled and up to date                      | Commercial |
| extensionroutes      |  | Enabled; Not available online               | Commercial |
| faxpro               | 14.0.12    | Enabled; Not available online               | Commercial |
| pagingpro            |  | Enabled; Not available online               | Commercial |
| parkpro              |  | Enabled; Not available online               | Commercial |
| pinsetspro           |  | Enabled; Not available online               | Commercial |
| pms                  |            | Not Installed (Available online: | Commercial |
| qxact_reports        |            | Not Installed (Locally available)           | Commercial |
| recording_report     |            | Not Installed (Locally available)           | Commercial |
| restapps             |            | Not Installed (Locally available)           | Commercial |
| sangomacrm           |            | Not Installed (Locally available)           | Commercial |
| sipstation           |   | Enabled and up to date                      | Commercial |
| sms                  | 15.0.4     | Enabled and up to date                      | Commercial |
| sng_mcu              | 13.0.5     | Disabled                                    | Commercial |
| sysadmin             |  | Enabled and up to date                      | Commercial |
| vmnotify             |   | Enabled; Not available online               | Commercial |
| voicemail_report     |            | Not Installed (Locally available)           | Commercial |
| vqplus               |  | Enabled; Not available online               | Commercial |
| webcallback          |  | Enabled; Not available online               | Commercial |
| zulu                 | | Enabled; Not available online               | Commercial |

Nothing to report at present. When there is news, I will update the tickets and this thread.

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