FreePBX14 GUI Very Slow

We are experiencing critical issues with using FreePBX in a large installation (over 1000 extensions). We have a server with 8 cores and 16 GB of RAM, however the graphical interface is extremely slow. We do not notice a saturation in the use of server resources (CPU load and memory usage is very low). The IO rate (disk and network) is also low. However the interface is very slow (especially the dashboard - config.php?display=index). In another thread we verified that it could be DNS problem, but we tested and the DNS is accessible from the machine (latency of 0.2ms). Any idea what could be causing such extreme slowness?

We noticed that the communication between FreePBX and asterisk (version 14.7.5) is very slow. Simple actions such as retrieving asterisk information (admin page / admin/config.php?display=asteriskinfo) have taken more than 30 seconds. I think the main problem might be exactly the response time of the communication between freepbx and asterisk.

Our installation is working in dual stack (ipv4 and ipv6). Most extensions are in ipv6 + TLS. We have not had a problem in communication (calls), but in using the FreePBX graphical interface.

Check the status of your MySQL installation. I’ve seen a crashed database table cause problems like this in the past.

We have a large installation as well with over 1000 extensions and approaching 1000 inbound routes as well with the same problems. We have 12 cores and 8GB of memory with 2 SSD’s to help lessen the load on the main SSD.

We have 100 mbps down and 25+ mbps upload on fiber.


4.44 MB / 3.31 MB transferred
Finish: 35.64 s
DOMContentLoaded: 24.12 s
load: 25.16 s

An Extension

6.23 MB / 5.10 MB transferred
Finish: 18.48 s
DOMContentLoaded: 13.87 s
load: 15.90 s

Inbound Routes

3.47 MB / 2.35 MB transferred
Finish: 32.68 s
DOMContentLoaded: 30.46 s
load: 31.19 s


3.83 MB / 2.66 MB transferred
Finish: 14.06 s
DOMContentLoaded: 11.44 s
load: 13.34 s

Voicemail Reports:

2.59 MB / 1.45 MB transferred
Finish: 5.68 min
DOMContentLoaded: 5.65 min
load: 5.67 min

I end up just opening multiple tabs (10+) then go and do something else then come back and actually work on whatever I needed to open because its so slow.

Have you tried 13?

My timings were from Freepbx 13. We are upgrading to 14 soon, I can give you updated timings in a week or two, if I remember @_@.

This thread is specifically titled “FreePBX 14 GUI Very Slow”. This is why I asked. It’s very important. Technically your response should be marked that is is 13 or placed in another thread

@cynjut , thank you for the tip. I’ve checked my MySQL Installation (using mysqlcheck util) and all tables are fine.

@tm1000 We installed directly the 14. We have 4 systems. In the small sites (<400 extensions) all is working file (except the Statistics chart from the dashboard, that some times become blank). The main problem we are having in the bigger install (1000+ extensions). Even using SSDs (in a enterprise appliance storage) we continue having the same problem (very slow UI). .

Try using the developer options in firefox, press F12, then go to networking to give a better idea of if its the server vs your own PC.

It’ll be the server. You can go into advanced settings and turn on Performance Logging and then type: fwconsole dbug to see where it’s taking so long.


We have a similar installation. 850 extensions, 2 trunks, 400+ inbound routes.

We put in a ticket and they increased the amount of RAM that SQL can use and that didn’t help.

We are on 10.13.66-22. Virtual server with 4 cores, 16GB of RAM.

Had I known about this slowness, I would have backed out long ago.

1 Like

To be fair. We want to fix this. I have provided steps to get a bigger picture of what is causing the slowness

Great, thanks for your help. Never worked with something like this, let me know what I can do to assist. Here is one I could pull though:

[type] => START
[str] => includefile-modules/core/page.extensions.php
[now] => 1516739097.022064
[timediff] => 0.349042
[mem] => 54.122955 MB
[memdiff] => 1.383522 MB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:554

[type] => STOP
[str] => includefile-modules/core/page.extensions.php
[now] => 1516739107.439891
[timediff] => 10.417827
[mem] => 56.345581 MB
[memdiff] => 2.222626 MB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:556

So it took 10 seconds to load/include the file page.extensions.php.


fwconsole mysql

Of note I have also contemplated making xhgui into a module like so:


Is this what you are looking for?

    mysql> SELECT TABLE_NAME, ENGINE FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = "asterisk"
    -> \g
| TABLE_NAME                             | ENGINE |
| admin                                  | MyISAM |
| ampusers                               | MyISAM |
| announcement                           | MyISAM |
| areminder                              | MyISAM |
| areminder_calls                        | MyISAM |
| areminder_settings                     | MyISAM |
| areminder_updates                      | MyISAM |
| arimanager                             | MyISAM |
| backup                                 | MyISAM |
| backup_cache                           | MyISAM |
| backup_details                         | MyISAM |
| backup_items                           | MyISAM |
| backup_server_details                  | MyISAM |
| backup_servers                         | MyISAM |
| backup_template_details                | MyISAM |
| backup_templates                       | MyISAM |
| broadcast_callees                      | MyISAM |
| broadcast_campaign_groups              | MyISAM |
| broadcast_campaigns                    | MyISAM |
| broadcast_groups                       | MyISAM |
| broadcast_log                          | MyISAM |
| broadcast_settings                     | MyISAM |
| callback                               | MyISAM |
| callerid_entries                       | MyISAM |
| calllimit                              | MyISAM |
| calllimit_usage                        | MyISAM |
| callrecording                          | MyISAM |
| callrecording_module                   | MyISAM |
| certman_cas                            | MyISAM |
| certman_certs                          | MyISAM |
| certman_csrs                           | MyISAM |
| certman_mapping                        | MyISAM |
| cidlookup                              | MyISAM |
| cidlookup_incoming                     | MyISAM |
| conferencespro                         | MyISAM |
| conferencespro_rooms                   | MyISAM |
| contactmanager_entry_emails            | MyISAM |
| contactmanager_entry_images            | MyISAM |
| contactmanager_entry_numbers           | MyISAM |
| contactmanager_entry_speeddials        | MyISAM |
| contactmanager_entry_userman_images    | MyISAM |
| contactmanager_entry_websites          | MyISAM |
| contactmanager_entry_xmpps             | MyISAM |
| contactmanager_group_entries           | MyISAM |
| contactmanager_groups                  | MyISAM |
| cronmanager                            | MyISAM |
| custom_extensions                      | MyISAM |
| cxpanel_conference_rooms               | MyISAM |
| cxpanel_email                          | MyISAM |
| cxpanel_managed_items                  | MyISAM |
| cxpanel_phone_number                   | MyISAM |
| cxpanel_queues                         | MyISAM |
| cxpanel_recording_agent                | MyISAM |
| cxpanel_server                         | MyISAM |
| cxpanel_users                          | MyISAM |
| cxpanel_voicemail_agent                | MyISAM |
| dahdi                                  | MyISAM |
| dahdi_advanced                         | MyISAM |
| dahdi_advanced_modules                 | MyISAM |
| dahdi_analog                           | MyISAM |
| dahdi_configured_locations             | MyISAM |
| dahdi_modules                          | MyISAM |
| dahdi_spans                            | MyISAM |
| dahdichandids                          | MyISAM |
| daynight                               | MyISAM |
| devices                                | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_alerts                   | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_customapp_settings       | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_customapps               | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_device_alerts            | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_device_customapps        | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_device_externallines     | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_device_logos             | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_device_mcpages           | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_device_networks          | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_device_parkapps          | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_device_ringtones         | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_device_statuses          | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_extension_settings       | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_externalline_settings    | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_externallines            | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_firmware                 | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_firmware_packages        | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_logos                    | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_mcpage_settings          | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_mcpages                  | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_network_settings         | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_networks                 | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_pnac_settings            | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_pnacs                    | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_queues                   | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_ringtones                | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_status_entries           | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_status_settings          | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_statuses                 | MyISAM |
| digium_phones_voicemail_translations   | MyISAM |
| directory_details                      | MyISAM |
| directory_entries                      | MyISAM |
| disa                                   | MyISAM |
| endpoint_basefiles                     | MyISAM |
| endpoint_brand                         | MyISAM |
| endpoint_buttons                       | MyISAM |
| endpoint_customExt                     | MyISAM |
| endpoint_ext_buttons                   | MyISAM |
| endpoint_extensions                    | MyISAM |
| endpoint_firmware                      | MyISAM |
| endpoint_global                        | MyISAM |
| endpoint_ignoreMac                     | MyISAM |
| endpoint_images                        | MyISAM |
| endpoint_models                        | MyISAM |
| endpoint_ringtones                     | MyISAM |
| endpoint_templates                     | MyISAM |
| endpoint_timezones                     | MyISAM |
| endpoint_xml                           | MyISAM |
| extensionroutes                        | MyISAM |
| extensions                             | MyISAM |
| fax_details                            | MyISAM |
| fax_incoming                           | MyISAM |
| fax_store                              | MyISAM |
| fax_users                              | MyISAM |
| faxpro_hook_core                       | MyISAM |
| featurecodes                           | MyISAM |
| findmefollow                           | MyISAM |
| freepbx_log                            | MyISAM |
| freepbx_settings                       | MyISAM |
| globals                                | MyISAM |
| hotelwakeup                            | MyISAM |
| hotelwakeup_calls                      | MyISAM |
| iax                                    | MyISAM |
| iaxsettings                            | MyISAM |
| incoming                               | MyISAM |
| indications_zonelist                   | MyISAM |
| ivr_details                            | MyISAM |
| ivr_entries                            | MyISAM |
| kvstore                                | MyISAM |
| language_incoming                      | MyISAM |
| languages                              | MyISAM |
| logfile_logfiles                       | MyISAM |
| logfile_settings                       | MyISAM |
| manager                                | MyISAM |
| meetme                                 | MyISAM |
| miscapps                               | MyISAM |
| miscdests                              | MyISAM |
| module_xml                             | MyISAM |
| modules                                | MyISAM |
| music                                  | MyISAM |
| notifications                          | MyISAM |
| outbound_route_patterns                | MyISAM |
| outbound_route_sequence                | MyISAM |
| outbound_route_trunks                  | MyISAM |
| outbound_routes                        | MyISAM |
| outroutemsg                            | MyISAM |
| paging_autoanswer                      | MyISAM |
| paging_config                          | MyISAM |
| paging_groups                          | MyISAM |
| pagingpro                              | MyISAM |
| pagingpro_core_routing                 | MyISAM |
| pagingpro_scheduler_crons              | MyISAM |
| pagingpro_scheduler_events             | MyISAM |
| pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions         | MyISAM |
| pagingpro_scheduler_range              | MyISAM |
| parkplus                               | MyISAM |
| parkplus_announce                      | MyISAM |
| parkplus_device                        | MyISAM |
| pbxactskin_settings                    | MyISAM |
| pinset_usage                           | MyISAM |
| pinsets                                | MyISAM |
| pjsip                                  | MyISAM |
| presencestate_list                     | MyISAM |
| presencestate_prefs                    | MyISAM |
| prosody                                | MyISAM |
| queueprio                              | MyISAM |
| queues_config                          | MyISAM |
| queues_details                         | MyISAM |
| qxact_agent_actions                    | MyISAM |
| qxact_agent_calls                      | MyISAM |
| qxact_calls                            | MyISAM |
| qxact_reports                          | MyISAM |
| qxact_system_events                    | MyISAM |
| recording_report                       | MyISAM |
| recordings                             | MyISAM |
| restapi_general                        | MyISAM |
| restapi_log_event_details              | MyISAM |
| restapi_log_events                     | MyISAM |
| restapi_token_details                  | MyISAM |
| restapi_token_user_mapping             | MyISAM |
| restapi_tokens                         | MyISAM |
| restapps_settings                      | MyISAM |
| restapps_stats                         | MyISAM |
| ringgroups                             | MyISAM |
| sangomacrm_rest_rows                   | MyISAM |
| sangomacrm_rest_webhooks               | MyISAM |
| sangomarcrm_salesforce_users           | MyISAM |
| sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users             | MyISAM |
| sangomarcrm_zoho_users                 | MyISAM |
| setcid                                 | MyISAM |
| sip                                    | MyISAM |
| sipsettings                            | MyISAM |
| sms_media                              | MyISAM |
| sms_messages                           | MyISAM |
| sms_routing                            | MyISAM |
| soundlang_customlangs                  | MyISAM |
| soundlang_packages                     | MyISAM |
| soundlang_prompts                      | MyISAM |
| soundlang_settings                     | MyISAM |
| superfecta_mf                          | MyISAM |
| superfecta_mf_child                    | MyISAM |
| superfecta_to_incoming                 | MyISAM |
| superfectacache                        | MyISAM |
| superfectaconfig                       | MyISAM |
| sysadmin_options                       | MyISAM |
| sysadmin_update_log                    | MyISAM |
| timeconditions                         | MyISAM |
| timegroups_details                     | MyISAM |
| timegroups_groups                      | MyISAM |
| trunk_dialpatterns                     | MyISAM |
| trunks                                 | MyISAM |
| tts                                    | MyISAM |
| ttsengines                             | MyISAM |
| ucp_sessions                           | MyISAM |
| userman_directories                    | MyISAM |
| userman_groups                         | MyISAM |
| userman_groups_settings                | MyISAM |
| userman_users                          | MyISAM |
| userman_users_settings                 | MyISAM |
| users                                  | MyISAM |
| virtual_queue_config                   | MyISAM |
| vmblast                                | MyISAM |
| vmblast_groups                         | MyISAM |
| vmnotify                               | MyISAM |
| vmnotify_events                        | MyISAM |
| vmnotify_notifications                 | MyISAM |
| voicemail_admin                        | MyISAM |
| vqplus_callback_calls                  | MyISAM |
| vqplus_callback_config                 | MyISAM |
| vqplus_callback_log                    | MyISAM |
| vqplus_qrule_config                    | MyISAM |
| vqplus_qrule_detail                    | MyISAM |
| vqplus_queue_config                    | MyISAM |
| webcallback                            | MyISAM |
| webrtc_clients                         | MyISAM |
| xmpp_options                           | MyISAM |
| xmpp_users                             | MyISAM |
| zulu_softphones                        | MyISAM |
| zulu_tokens                            | MyISAM |
246 rows in set (0.00 sec)

@tlashinsky is this 13 or 14? I think 13. For the sake of the developer sanity we are going to focus on performance improvements in 14 because of the benefit of PHP 5.6. You can still participate but once you get to 14 let us know so we can really do some tuning.

It is 13, probably wont go to 14 until summer when the organization can handle some downtime.

Thanks for your assistance.

Is this what you were looking for? This is on Freepbx 14; Asterisk 13

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

[type] => START
[str] => inits-extensions
[now] => 1518456170.736682
[timediff] => 0.086323
[mem] => 6.691635 MB
[memdiff] => 3.596268 MB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:357

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => Core->doConfigPageInit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.746645
[timediff] => 0.009963
[mem] => 7.19455 MB
[memdiff] => 514.984375 KB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/GuiHooks.class.php:252

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => Core->doConfigPageInit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.746843
[timediff] => 0.000198
[mem] => 7.19574 MB
[memdiff] => 1.21875 KB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/GuiHooks.class.php:252

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-certman_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.746991
[timediff] => 0.000148
[mem] => 7.197289 MB
[memdiff] => 1.585938 KB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-certman_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.755471
[timediff] => 0.008480
[mem] => 7.265717 MB
[memdiff] => 70.070313 KB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-core_users_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.755722
[timediff] => 0.000251
[mem] => 7.2658 MB
[memdiff] => 88 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-core_users_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.756941
[timediff] => 0.001219
[mem] => 7.530937 MB
[memdiff] => 271.5 KB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-core_devices_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.757099
[timediff] => 0.000158
[mem] => 7.530937 MB
[memdiff] => 0 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

==> /var/log/asterisk/freepbx.log <==
[2018-Feb-12 12:22:50] [WARNING] (core/ - Depreciated Function core_users_list detected in /var/www/html/admin/modules/core/ on line 5852
==> /var/log/asterisk/freepbx_dbug <==
2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-core_devices_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.775654
[timediff] => 0.018555
[mem] => 10.234451 MB
[memdiff] => 2.703514 MB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-directory_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.775865
[timediff] => 0.000211
[mem] => 10.234375 MB
[memdiff] => -80 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-directory_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.776010
[timediff] => 0.000145
[mem] => 10.234489 MB
[memdiff] => 120 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-endpoint_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.776143
[timediff] => 0.000133
[mem] => 10.234482 MB
[memdiff] => -8 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-endpoint_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.777479
[timediff] => 0.001336
[mem] => 10.23468 MB
[memdiff] => 208 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-extensionroutes_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.777638
[timediff] => 0.000159
[mem] => 10.23468 MB
[memdiff] => 0 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-extensionroutes_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.777772
[timediff] => 0.000134
[mem] => 10.234787 MB
[memdiff] => 112 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-findmefollow_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.777902
[timediff] => 0.000130
[mem] => 10.234779 MB
[memdiff] => -8 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-findmefollow_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.778028
[timediff] => 0.000126
[mem] => 10.23481 MB
[memdiff] => 32 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-ivr_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.778156
[timediff] => 0.000128
[mem] => 10.234802 MB
[memdiff] => -8 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-ivr_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.778279
[timediff] => 0.000123
[mem] => 10.234848 MB
[memdiff] => 48 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-languages_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.778418
[timediff] => 0.000139
[mem] => 10.234856 MB
[memdiff] => 8 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-languages_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.778558
[timediff] => 0.000140
[mem] => 10.234924 MB
[memdiff] => 72 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-paging_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.778687
[timediff] => 0.000129
[mem] => 10.234924 MB
[memdiff] => 0 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-paging_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.778811
[timediff] => 0.000124
[mem] => 10.234993 MB
[memdiff] => 72 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-parkpro_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.778940
[timediff] => 0.000129
[mem] => 10.234993 MB
[memdiff] => 0 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-parkpro_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.779066
[timediff] => 0.000126
[mem] => 10.235077 MB
[memdiff] => 88 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-pinsetspro_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.779195
[timediff] => 0.000129
[mem] => 10.235077 MB
[memdiff] => 0 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-pinsetspro_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.779316
[timediff] => 0.000121
[mem] => 10.235123 MB
[memdiff] => 48 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-queues_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.779443
[timediff] => 0.000127
[mem] => 10.235123 MB
[memdiff] => 0 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-queues_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.779585
[timediff] => 0.000142
[mem] => 10.235207 MB
[memdiff] => 88 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-ringgroups_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.779711
[timediff] => 0.000126
[mem] => 10.235207 MB
[memdiff] => 0 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-ringgroups_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.779832
[timediff] => 0.000121
[mem] => 10.235237 MB
[memdiff] => 32 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-userman_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.779967
[timediff] => 0.000135
[mem] => 10.235237 MB
[memdiff] => 0 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-userman_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.780091
[timediff] => 0.000124
[mem] => 10.235291 MB
[memdiff] => 56 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-voicemail_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.780217
[timediff] => 0.000126
[mem] => 10.235291 MB
[memdiff] => 0 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-voicemail_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.780343
[timediff] => 0.000126
[mem] => 10.235489 MB
[memdiff] => 208 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-webrtc_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.780475
[timediff] => 0.000132
[mem] => 10.235489 MB
[memdiff] => 0 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-webrtc_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.780813
[timediff] => 0.000338
[mem] => 10.235649 MB
[memdiff] => 168 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-zulu_configpageinit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.780957
[timediff] => 0.000144
[mem] => 10.235641 MB
[memdiff] => -8 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => myOldHooks-zulu_configpageinit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.792757
[timediff] => 0.011800
[mem] => 10.5 MB
[memdiff] => 270.703125 KB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:358

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => FreePBX\modules\Vmnotify->doConfigPageInit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.793914
[timediff] => 0.001157
[mem] => 10.500549 MB
[memdiff] => 576 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/GuiHooks.class.php:279

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => FreePBX\modules\Vmnotify->doConfigPageInit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.794083
[timediff] => 0.000169
[mem] => 10.500877 MB
[memdiff] => 344 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/GuiHooks.class.php:279

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => FreePBX\modules\Paging->doConfigPageInit-extensions_start
[now] => 1518456170.795640
[timediff] => 0.001557
[mem] => 10.533241 MB
[memdiff] => 33.140625 KB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/GuiHooks.class.php:279

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => PERF
[str] => FreePBX\modules\Paging->doConfigPageInit-extensions_stop
[now] => 1518456170.796717
[timediff] => 0.001077
[mem] => 10.533661 MB
[memdiff] => 440 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/GuiHooks.class.php:279

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => STOP
[str] => inits-extensions
[now] => 1518456170.796911
[timediff] => 0.060229
[mem] => 10.51532 MB
[memdiff] => 3.823685 MB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:359

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => START
[str] => processconfigpage-extensions
[now] => 1518456170.797048
[timediff] => 0.000137
[mem] => 10.514702 MB
[memdiff] => -648 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:362

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => STOP
[str] => processconfigpage-extensions
[now] => 1518456170.797227
[timediff] => 0.000179
[mem] => 10.515755 MB
[memdiff] => 1.078125 KB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:364

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => START
[str] => buildconfigpage-extensions
[now] => 1518456170.797351
[timediff] => 0.000124
[mem] => 10.515251 MB
[memdiff] => -528 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:365

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => START
[str] => buildpager-core_users_configpageload
[now] => 1518456170.797508
[timediff] => 0.000157
[mem] => 10.517181 MB
[memdiff] => 1.976563 KB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/libraries/components.class.php:481

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => STOP
[str] => buildpager-core_users_configpageload
[now] => 1518456170.797658
[timediff] => 0.000150
[mem] => 10.518906 MB
[memdiff] => 1.765625 KB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/libraries/components.class.php:483

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => START
[str] => buildpager-core_devices_configpageload
[now] => 1518456170.797794
[timediff] => 0.000136
[mem] => 10.518394 MB
[memdiff] => -536 B
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/libraries/components.class.php:481

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => STOP
[str] => buildpager-core_devices_configpageload
[now] => 1518456170.797929
[timediff] => 0.000135
[mem] => 10.519531 MB
[memdiff] => 1.164063 KB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/libraries/components.class.php:483

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

OUT > Array
[type] => STOP
[str] => buildconfigpage-extensions
[now] => 1518456170.798057
[timediff] => 0.000706
[mem] => 10.517776 MB
[memdiff] => 2.585938 KB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:367

OUT > 2018-Feb-12 12:22:50 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Performance.class.php:118

[type] => START
[str] => includefile-modules/core/page.extensions.php
[now] => 1518456170.956434
[timediff] => 0.158377
[mem] => 11.601974 MB
[memdiff] => 1.084198 MB
[file] => /var/www/html/admin/config.php:559

Sorry there is nothing in there that is slow.