FreePBX update


in our environment we have FreePBX Asterisk Version: 13.9.1.
We want to update it to a last version of FreePBX 17.
Can you please explain the path of completing this. Or is there any manual for that?
Or maybe it is not a good idea and we should update to a previous version, maybe FreePBX 16?

Hi Dmitriy,

I could be wrong but this would be my take on it. To upgrade from FreePBX 13 to FreePBX 17, the process would involve several steps, as you are moving between major versions. Here’s a overview of the upgrade path that I would take if I was in your position:

1. Backup your system
Before proceeding with any major upgrade, ensure you have a full backup of your current system, including all configurations, recordings, and voicemail. FreePBX provides built-in backup tools. The last thing you want to do is ignore this step (honestly).

2. Check system requirements
FreePBX 17 has different system requirements compared to FreePBX 13. Verify your hardware or virtual machine resources are sufficient for version 17, and ensure that your operating system is compatible with FreePBX 17 (FreePBX 13 is often on CentOS 6, while FreePBX 17 uses newer OS versions like SangomaOS 7 or 8).

3. Upgrade path
I don’t believe direct upgrades from FreePBX 13 to FreePBX 17 are supported (could be wrong). I believe that you’d need to upgrade to FreePBX 15 first.

Upgrade to FreePBX 15 first. FreePBX 15 introduced an improved backup and restore module that allows you to back up your current system and restore it on a different version (in this case, FreePBX 17).

After upgrading to FreePBX 15, take a full system backup (more backups the better). Once the backup is complete, you can then install FreePBX 17 from scratch on a new server and restore your FreePBX 15 backup into FreePBX 17.

I hope this information helps.


Thank you for your answer.
But I still need to clarify if we need that additional step upgrading to FreePBX 15 first?
Moreover why 15 and not 16?
Surely I take a backup of a server itself and even VM before making any changes)

And one more question, on this server we have sip trunk connections to our provider and other systems, like Cisco CUCM. What will happen to all these connections, cause as I can understand by this upgrade we shift from sip to a newer pjsip. What would happen to all these sip connection in case of upgrade and what we should do to process fluently?

How many extensions and trunks do you have? If it is just a few, then simply install v17 and re-do the config manually. You can copy the voicemail files over. Having only a few extensions, it won’t take long at all and you can cleanup any old or unneeded things at the same time and there won’t be any conversion issues.

If you want to do the actual upgrade, then install v16 fresh. Then, do a backup in v13 and restore it in v16. 16 can restore 13 backups. It will enable the old sip in v16 as needed. Then, use this blog to bulk update sip to pjsip: New blog post - New tool for helping move from SIP to PJSIP

Then, update that to v17.

I suggest that you use a new box, and keep the old one running, so that you can test everything on v16/v17 with a couple of phones before you go live.

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What you might consider doing is the following:

  1. Install Debian 12, then FreePBX 17
  2. Run the Asterisk Version Switch command and back-rev the Asterisk version to Asterisk 20
  3. Do the backup and restore.

Asterisk 20 includes chan_sip and FreePBX 17 supports chan_sip the same way FreePBX 13 does.

Note the backup and restore does not preserve any custom voice prompts you may have recorded.

Lastly, do NOT attempt an “in-place” upgrade over your existing FreePBX system.

Many thanks to all of you.

This is the way. I’ve done a couple dozen upgrades over the years (since the TrixBox days), and even doing just one single version upgrade it has always had problems. Each time a new version comes out that has a so-called new & improved upgrade module, I’ll try it and it will still miss something or another to the point where it acts squirrelly (at the least) or is completely broken (at the worst) and it requires troubleshooting that takes longer than simply recreating the configuration.

SCP all of the audio files from the old to the new, and you’re in business.


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