I looked back over your last month of post and you are correct in what you had originally posted you are contributing to the forum I saw about a dozen threads where you provided good information and were helpful, and for that I personally thank you.
I purposely didn’t respond when I saw your first post in February on our announcement about the Trademark purchase, associating Schmooze and FreePBX with what happened to trixbox and Fonality, I really don’t see the benefit of a response to that type of post in most cases, and these forums have had a bad rap in the past from people being less than helpful and basically responding to questions with RTFM, I’m sure you’ve seen this having been around for the past five years. But you felt the need to bring up your conspiracy theory again, and mention your “bad signs” and “slippery slope” you think we are sliding down, and that does require a response, so I gave one, you then mention that I didn’t answer your questions and only berated you, the only question in your original post in this thread was:
“Not sure if any free modules have been changed to commercial with no free alternative still in module admin but what would stop you from doing that?”
And that one seemed a bit rhetorical, but Tony has already responded.
Like I said I’m not here to get into a long drawn out fight with you on this, but if you question our motivations, then I have absolutely no problem responding to you with the same questions.
Yes Schmooze is a for profit company, yes we would hope to make a profit on our hard work, and we do that by adding value to FreePBX by managing the FreePBX project and roadmap, as well as adding value added additions to the base PBX with the commercial modules, training opportunities, lots of documentation lately in the form of the upgraded site, wiki and module user guides and active support both paid and unpaid, and the creation of a FreePBX certified reseller program.
Being about the only person on staff at Schmooze that doesn’t carry the “developer” title I think I know a little bit about working with developers. Even if you disagree with the philosophy of funding the development by commercial “non-free” modules, that’s one of the primary sources of income for the folks designing your PBX… so If you can imagine their dismay when someone that is vocal on the support forums seems to try to sabotage their efforts at compensation, with a if it ain’t free it ain’t for me attitude.
You have been around FreePBX and these forums for over five years, if you can think of better ways to pay the salaries of the developers building the MustardmanPBX for you by all means send me or Tony a PM with your ideas.
If I could get everyone that’s using FreePBX or has downloaded it to just to send in a dollar to the project we probably wouldn’t need commercial modules at all to support the development, but I welcome any ideas you may have.
Thanks again for your active responses and helpful support in the forums.