FreePBX 16: No email notifications on modules updates available for upgrade

I am running FreePBX 16 and have configured in the “Module / Module Admin / Scheduler and Alerts” displet to be notified automatically via email, whenever a new module is available as depicted with:

I have been observing that I do not get any email notification to my local mail server from the FreePBX platform about the availability of new modules, though am able to learn about their availability under the displet “Dashboard / System Overview” as depicted with:

With the command “sudo -u asterisk crontab -l”, I have found the following entry:

19 10 * * 6 [ -e /usr/sbin/fwconsole ] && /usr/sbin/fwconsole ma listonline --sendemail -q > /dev/null 2>&1

I went ahead and did run the same command manually as “sudo /usr/sbin/fwconsole ma listonline --sendemail”, and am getting the following text output:

No repos specified, using: [standard,extended] from last GUI settings

| Module              | Version    | Status                                       | License    |
| accountcodepreserve |            | Not Installed (Available online:   | GPLv2      |
| amd                 |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | GPLv3+     |
| announcement        |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.4)     | GPLv3+     |
| api                 |            | Not Installed (Available online:  | AGPLv3+    |
| arimanager          | 16.0.5     | Enabled and up to date                       | GPLv3+     |
| asterisk-cli        |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.2)     | GPLv3+     |
| asteriskinfo        | 16.0.5     | Enabled and up to date                       | GPLv3+     |
| backup              |            | Not Installed (Available online:  | GPLv3+     |
| blacklist           | 16.0.8     | Enabled and up to date                       | GPLv3+     |
| builtin             |            | Enabled; Not available online                |            |
| bulkhandler         |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.9)     | GPLv3+     |
| calendar            |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.7)     | GPLv3+     |
| callback            |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.2)     | GPLv3+     |
| callforward         |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.5)     | AGPLv3+    |
| callrecording       | 16.0.12    | Enabled and up to date                       | AGPLv3+    |
| callwaiting         |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.5)     | GPLv3+     |
| cdr                 | 16.0.18    | Online upgrade available (16.0.21)           | GPLv3+     |
| cel                 |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.6)     | GPLv3+     |
| certman             |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.20)    | AGPLv3+    |
| cidlookup           |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.5)     | GPLv3+     |
| conferences         | 16.0.6     | Enabled and up to date                       | GPLv3+     |
| configedit          |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.2)     | AGPLv3+    |
| contactmanager      |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.18)    | GPLv3+     |
| core                | | Online upgrade available (16.0.57)           | GPLv3+     |
| customappsreg       | 16.0.3     | Enabled and up to date                       | GPLv3+     |
| cxpanel             |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.2)     | GPLv3      |
| dahdiconfig         |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.5)     | GPLv3+     |
| dashboard           | 16.0.8     | Online upgrade available (16.0.11)           | AGPLv3+    |
| daynight            |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | GPLv3+     |
| dictate             |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | GPLv3+     |
| directory           |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | GPLv3+     |
| disa                |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | AGPLv3+    |
| donotdisturb        |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.3)     | GPLv3+     |
| fax                 |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.4)     | GPLv3+     |
| featurecodeadmin    | 16.0.2     | Enabled and up to date                       | GPLv3+     |
| filestore           |            | Not Installed (Available online:  | AGPLv3     |
| findmefollow        |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.10)    | GPLv3+     |
| firewall            |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.44)    | AGPLv3+    |
| framework           | 16.0.17    | Enabled and up to date                       | GPLv2+     |
| fw_langpacks        |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | GPLv3+     |
| hotelwakeup         |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.2)     | GPLv2      |
| iaxsettings         |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | AGPLv3     |
| infoservices        | 16.0.2     | Enabled and up to date                       | GPLv2+     |
| irc                 |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | GPLv3+     |
| ivr                 |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.3)     | GPLv3+     |
| languages           |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | GPLv3+     |
| logfiles            | 16.0.3     | Enabled and up to date                       | GPLv3+     |
| manager             | 16.0.9     | Enabled and up to date                       | GPLv2+     |
| miscapps            |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | GPLv3+     |
| miscdests           |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | GPLv3+     |
| music               | 16.0.1     | Enabled and up to date                       | GPLv3+     |
| outroutemsg         |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | GPLv3+     |
| paging              |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.9)     | GPLv3+     |
| parking             |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.2)     | GPLv3+     |
| phonebook           |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | GPLv3+     |
| phpinfo             |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | GPLv2+     |
| pinsets             |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.6)     | GPLv3+     |
| pm2                 | 16.0.6     | Online upgrade available (16.0.8)            | AGPLv3+    |
| presencestate       |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | GPLv3+     |
| printextensions     |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | GPLv3+     |
| queueprio           |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.2)     | GPLv3+     |
| queues              |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.14)    | GPLv2+     |
| recordings          | 16.0.6     | Enabled and up to date                       | GPLv3+     |
| ringgroups          | 16.0.7     | Enabled and up to date                       | GPLv3+     |
| setcid              |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.3)     | GPLv3+     |
| sipsettings         | 16.0.17    | Enabled and up to date                       | AGPLv3+    |
| sms                 |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.11)    | Commercial |
| soundlang           | 16.0.6     | Enabled and up to date                       | GPLv3+     |
| superfecta          |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.14)    | GPLv2+     |
| timeconditions      |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.8)     | GPLv3+     |
| tts                 |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.2)     | GPLv3+     |
| ttsengines          |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.3)     | AGPLv3     |
| ucp                 |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.18)    | AGPLv3+    |
| userman             |            | Not Installed (Available online: | AGPLv3+    |
| vmblast             |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.4)     | GPLv3+     |
| voicemail           | 16.0.31    | Enabled and up to date                       | GPLv3+     |
| weakpasswords       |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.1)     | GPLv3+     |
| webrtc              |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.10)    | GPLv3+     |
| xmpp                |            | Not Installed (Available online: 16.0.5)     | AGPLv3     |

In the list above, I do find some entries pointing to modules updates, however I did not get any email notification on the configured email account of the FreePBX GUI, when firing above command manually.

Firing the command “cat /var/log/mail.log” command, I do not see any log entry that FreePBX has sent out any email.

I have setup “postfix” as the MTA, and with “cron-apt” installed, I always get email notifications on available OS updates to the same email account as configured with the FreePBX GUI.

What could be the reason that FreePBX is not sending out any email notifications on module updates?

Please wait the next framework version on EDGE. It’s coming soon.

Thank you for the confirmation and I keep waiting for an updated (or corrected version).

In the meantime I have replaced “postfix” with the mail user agent alternative “msmtp”, and after several tests can for sure confirm that the “sendmail” functionality works fine on the OS level.

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In my last posting, I have mentioned that I have replaced the MUA with “msmtp”.

With the next upcoming update notification, I am getting the following error message under the displet “Dashboard / System Overview” as depicted with:


Is there a way to check how the FreePBX framework is composing such an email notification and how it gets the email address?

As per above and after an upgrade of the FreePBX framework to 16.0.19, I have received today an upgrade notification as depicted under the “Dashboard / System Overview” with:


I did not receive any email message to the “[email protected]” account as configured above. However have found a log entry in the “/var/log/msmtp/msmtp.log” file as follows:

Mar 26 10:10:34 host=smtp.mailserver.local tls=off auth=off from=asterisk@telbox [email protected] smtpstatus=504 smtpmsg='504 5.5.2 <asterisk@telbox>: Sender address rejected: need fully-qualified address' errormsg='envelope from address asterisk@telbox not accepted by the server' exitcode=EX_DATAERR

This raises the question, how does FreePBX generate the envelope for the email notification message?

Even with the recent updates done, the same observation with another upcoming updated as depicted with:


I did not receive any email message to the “ [email protected] ” account as configured above. However have found the same log entry in the “ /var/log/msmtp/msmtp.log ” file as follows:

Apr 02 09:19:36 host=smtp.mailserver.local tls=off auth=off from=asterisk@telbox [email protected] smtpstatus=504 smtpmsg='504 5.5.2 <asterisk@telbox>: Sender address rejected: need fully-qualified address' errormsg='envelope from address asterisk@telbox not accepted by the server' exitcode=EX_DATAERR

Is there any way to check on how FreePBX is generating the mail envelope and whether the construction of the email message can be modified?

Interesting, I just migrated from PBXact 14 → PBXact 16 and running into the same issue. Seems like after I restored my old backup file, I got that message about “Failed to send update notification email”. I’ll have to see about changing the hostname and changing it back and see if that helps.


Even with further recent updates done, the same observation with another upcoming updated as depicted with:

I did not receive any email message to the “ [email protected] ” account as configured above. However, I have found the same log entry in the “ /var/log/msmtp/msmtp.log ” file as follows:

Apr 16 08:54:41 host=smtp.mailserver.local tls=off auth=off from=asterisk@telbox [email protected] smtpstatus=504 smtpmsg='504 5.5.2 <asterisk@telbox>: Sender address rejected: need fully-qualified address' errormsg='envelope from address asterisk@telbox not accepted by the server' exitcode=EX_DATAERR

Apr 16 08:54:42 host=smtp.mailserver.local tls=off auth=off from=asterisk@telbox [email protected] smtpstatus=504 smtpmsg='504 5.5.2 <asterisk@telbox>: Sender address rejected: need fully-qualified address' errormsg='envelope from address asterisk@telbox not accepted by the server' exitcode=EX_DATAERR

Is there any way to check on how FreePBX is generating the mail envelope and point out to which extent the mail envelope generated by FreePBX can be modified or customised?

Same story as above, and am not able to figure out why the message “An attempt to send an email to “” with update notifications failed” does not show the properly configured email address as depicted with:


I’ll also add that I’ve seen this since I installed v16. On a PBXact system, I saw this happen as well. The odd part, as you can see, is that it was over a month ago. And still hasn’t cleared out or reoccurred.

The other notification, about Calendar using Count, will show secs, as will continuously occur.


I have done a fresh installation of Asterisk 16 and FreePBX 16 under Debian 11 Bullseye and have reinstalled the “msmtp” mail transfer agent as described with the “Configuring MSMTP […] as a mail transfer agent” article.

Here the detailled installation and configuration steps for my environment:

sudo apt -y install msmtp msmtp-mta ca-certificates bsd-mailx

sudo sh -c 'cat >> /etc/msmtprc' << EOF 
auth off
tls off
tls_starttls off
# Default account
account LocalMailServer
host smtp.mailserver.local
port 25
from Asterisk Server <[email protected]>
logfile /var/log/msmtp/msmtp.log
account default : LocalMailServer

With the command “sudo msmtp -Sd” I can check the account configuration and my local mail server capabilities, and the results are fine.

I further finetune the directory and file settings (just to make sure that everything is correct from a security perspective) as follows:

sudo sh -c 'cat >> /etc/logrotate.d/msmtp' << EOF 
/var/log/msmtp/*.log {
rotate 12

sudo mkdir -p /var/{lib,log}/msmtp
sudo chown -R msmtp. /var/{lib,log}/msmtp
sudo chmod 775 /var/log/msmtp
sudo touch /var/log/msmtp/msmtp.log
sudo chown msmtp. /etc/{msmtprc,logrotate.d/msmtp}
sudo chmod 664 /etc/{msmtprc,logrotate.d/msmtp} /var/log/msmtp/msmtp.log
sudo sed -i '/^msmtp/s/$/asterisk/' /etc/group

And testing the configuration with a test email just works fine with the command:

sendmail [email protected] << EOF
Subject: Test email from host $HOSTNAME of logged user $LOGNAME
This is a test email from host $HOSTNAME of logged user $LOGNAME 
using environment language settings $LANG
of machine type $MACHTYPE under terminal session $TERM

Thus, I keep my new MTA setup under monitoring until the next FreePBX16 update notification that shall generate an email message.

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Despite a fresh new installation of FreePBX 16.0.19 on top of Asterisk 16.16.1 under the Debian 11 Bullseye OS using a working setup of a fresh new installation of the “msmtp ” mail transfer agent as described with the “Configuring MSMTP […] as a mail transfer agent ” article, I am encountering today the same situation as described above.

The email notification of the FrePBX application does not seem to work at all as depicted with (the latest and new screen dump):


Any idea how to further troubleshoot on this issue? Why is the email address field between the quotes always shown empty?

Check the ‘Scheduler and Alerts’ tab at

Done. It shows the same configuration as before when opening this thread, see the following screen dump:

Still the same reoccurring observations this week as depicted with:

I’m wondering if this is more of a log file or table update that would clear the error.

I have a similar issue, but it has been there for about 3 months. Seems like yours is still updating.

I have been getting alerts about system updates from the system, if that helps.


You can type the following command on the shell prompt

sudo -u asterisk fwconsole notification --list

and you get the following output:

| Module  | ID          | Text                                     |
| freepbx | UPDATEEMAIL | Failed to send update notification email |

This flag gets cleared, once you manually update the modules with the commands:

sudo -u asterisk fwconsole ma updateall
sudo -u asterisk fwconsole reload

or, simply clear the flag from the FreePBX “System Overview” panel. Here the corresponding screen dump after the modules updates and cleared flags:


And here the output, when firing again the sudo -u asterisk fwconsole notification --list command:

| Module | ID | Text |

Today, I have fired the following command on the shell prompt

sudo fwconsole notification --list

and am getting the following output displayed:

| Module  | ID          | Text                                              |
| freepbx | NEWUPDATES  | There are 4 modules available for online upgrades |
| freepbx | UPDATEEMAIL | Failed to send update notification email          |

Launching the web GUI, I am getting the following dashboard displayed as depicted with:


Am I the only one experiencing above described?

After above as per above, still no email notification. Today, I got the following proposal for a framework update as depicted with:

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