Freepbx 14 with asterisk 11


Can I use freepbx 14 with asterisk 11?

You can, but you should have a good reason why, 11 is pretty much EOL now.

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I know @lgaetz… there is only a reason, this bug non yet resolved:

No callerid in blf. My users really need this feature.

Thank you.

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Well I don’t think we officially support that. I thought it was asterisk 13 or newer. Please note pjsip also does not support that feature so time to move on from it or get someone to add it to pjsip.

Tony, it’s a basic feature. I really don’t understand why it’s not supported. For this reason, we use chan_sip with asterisk 11.
Ok, I’m not an asterisk developer… maybe there are dark reasons

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