I am facing this problem during the extention cofiguration cay any one help us
I guess this issue happening only when you are creating a new Extension with Voicemail Enabled ?
Pls check yours PBX module updates. After upgrade all modules pls give us feedback with your PBX details ( FreePBX-xx version and list of your modules )
Actulley this is happning with all existing extentions
Can you please let me know how to fix it
Try to upgrade your FreePBX all modules at the same time.
fwconsole ma refreshsignatures
fwconsole ma upgradeall
fwconsole chown
fwconsole r --verbose
from where this will update can you let me know
Go to PBX GUI and try to upgrade from GUI
Admin → Module Admin → Press to ‘CheckOnline’ → Upgrade ALL → Process
Thanks i can see some updates but after update it will works
Because we have more live customer it will cause server down or else
I think is not going to effect Asterisk and Live calls.
If you wish try after business hours to be more safe/secure.
yes you are correct thanks for information i will update you after done this
Helllo thanks i am happy to inform you that it is working after upgrade
i update but same error facing during the voice mail upgrade
Hi @same7869
Do you have a SSH or FreePBX CLI access as a root user ?
Have you tried from GUI to Enable and update only Voicemail module ?
i dont know how to enable GUI Can you please tell m e
yes i have access
From Gui, Select Voicmemail and OTHER Disabled Module and Press to ENABLE and Upgrade.
Or from Linux CLI
fwconsole ma downloadinstall voicemail
fwconsole ma refreshsignatures
fwconsole ma upgradeall
fwconsole chown
fwconsole r --verbose
Then Checks for Disabled Modules.
fwconsole ma list | grep Disabled | wc -l --> ( You have to see return digits 0 )
Assuming you are running FreePBX16, try:
fwconsole ma downloadinstall voicemail --tag 16.0.62