There was a post on another forum talking about FreePBX Documentation. The provided contextual help is fine for installers and such. Just the same, some collection of reprintable (leaving copyright in place) documents might be nice.
Stuff like Voicemail (web & phone,) Day/Night operation, Transfers, etc...
With permission from the FreePBX Team, I'd be willing to take submissions for review and possible inclusion as part of the FreePBX Documentation as a whole.
What say you?
I can’t grant permission, but I think it is a great idea.
I’d like the help tab to be dropped down and become integrated in the frame/tool we are working in. It already appears to be contextually sensitive but visually isn’t intuitively so, IMHO. Ideally it would become a pretty graphical button like others that Philippe has hired out for…
I mentioned other forms of content that might be available as well. uTube video instructions. PDF files by Smooze etc…
A mod that might download or update contextual content to the local PBX for off line viewing… Just brainstorming here.
Cheatsheets and the the like. Perhaps could be in the users panel, just after feature codes?