Digium D65 phone discontinued?

I ordered a Digium D65 more than 2 weeks ago. The German dealer still doesn’t know, when it will arrive from China.
Is this a bad sign? Will it be replaced by a Sangoma phone? I already have a s705 and don’t like it…at all.

Thats the reason why I ordered a D65…it seems to be superior to the Sangoma phones.
I don’t think that both phones, the Sangoma s705 and the Digium D65, will be produced by one company for a very long time. I hope the superior Digium phones will make it…

Neither are discontinued and you would need to talk with your Distbutor on why they are not stocking them.

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Thanks…that’s great! I was already a little nervous…
The distributor doesn’t know…he said there are new years celebrations in China :wink:

I have no clue what your Distributor is talking about. We ship from the US all D Series phones and have plenty in stock.


That is interesting…

My distributor is voipango.de
79111 Freiburg


I will call them today. Thanks!

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