Well, I’ve updated my EPM to the just released v15.0.39.39 & yes, the EXP50 is now included/configurable BUT the XML-API option for my Yealink T5x models is GONE. Clearly you must have had the later EPM version on your the system, which I guess is why you seemed so dismissive that I even had those options.
This is really bad news. I’ve literally only just touted/demo’d an entire system to a new customer based on the Yealink handsets they wanted, in conjunction with what I actually demonstrated to them as configured handset functionality. That entire proposition could now be compromised. If this change becomes a show-stopper, it won’t make them buy S-Series phones, more likely consider an alternative PBX (like 3CX or Yeastar) or alternative 3rd party handsets that have their own version of PhoneApps & no need for EPM/3rd party addon (like ClearlyIP). Either way, they’ll buying less or no Sangoma product in those scenario’s.
Also, just to be clear, your PhoneApps page does NOT say that unsupported handsets will have XML-API selection blocked by EPM, it actually says they may not work 100% (I guess like the Dial from Contacts option I started this thread about) & that we (users/resellers, not Sangoma) would have to test unsupported handsets for ourselves to see if/how well the work (well this isn’t possible if you’ve deliberately hidden the option in EPM).
I’m also slightly confused about the remark ‘manufacturers don’t opt for the cost and effort to get Phone Apps support, only EPM’ - I know 1st hand from using these models (until just now) that their isn’t any manufacturer internal ‘cost/effort’ on their part if they already have this functionality built into their handsets, it’s just that EPM is now ‘hiding’ that option.
Is this really about Sangoma wanting to charge more money to Yealink for their handsets to be ‘fully’ configurable within EPM, rather than any real technical effort/cost on Sangoma or Yealinks part to allow these functions to be selected, regardless of if they work ? (ie. EPM & PhoneApps are considered separate chargeable entities to 3rd Party vendors).
In fact, if I look at the T54S (which your PhoneApps page suggests is unsupported but works) vs T54W, there’s no difference other than having a fixed vs adjustable LCD & built-in WiFi support. BTW, the T54S doesn’t even appear to be available in the UK.
I’m sorry if I sound negative/on a rant, but this all seems a bit contrived & anti-consumer. It’s also really ruined my day.