Dev team nostalgia [forked by mod]

This is not easy to do if the development team is busy with their work.
They are focused on their problem.

Their mind is not on the forum. It makes sense.

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The flaw in that logic is that until about 5 years ago the majority of the development team and even the CFO of Sangoma was highly active in this community along with being active in the IRC channel daily.

The difference between now and then? The development team.

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I think you mean COO not CFO as I was never CFO thank god.


The time you spend on the forum is the work you are not doing as a developer.
How many people from the team left today.
When you ask someone to go to the forum and you have 1800 tickets in the box, it doesn’t make sense.
Or maybe you don’t care about having 1800 tickets. Otherwise, maybe the team is too small.
In your mind, you’re pretty frustrated in the end.
I went to the forum from sometimes, but not every day. When I was working on a code, I focused on it. But sometimes I forgot to go. It’s human.

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So I will say that before I left we did a small dev conference in San Diego.

When you hear is said it took X years to make the changes for 17 it is because this was 2019 and we laid out plans and some basics on switching to IonCube. One other thing that happened at this meeting is we reset the backlog in JIRA. All tickets over 90 days old were closed with a note to reopen them if the issue was still a problem. This provided a clean slate. Every week we did triage to clear out the tickets in the system as they came in. There should not be that many tickets unless the resources aren’t there which is a concern. Note at the time when we were clearing the board there was 4 of us actively working on FreePBX stuff including Jason who was solely working on EPM. So we were here and we were keeping the board clean. Work/life balance was questionable but stuff was getting done and the dev team was part of the community.

I only get one post here so I want to make sure I acknowledge seeing @kgupta here “after hours” unless they have him working on US Timezones. He is perhaps the only employee that is actively taking a role in the forums in a helpful manner.


I guess the “mod” thinks the idea of a dev team that works on an open source project being part of the community is nostalgia… Oh well I guess I will add more pictures of “the good ol days”. Feel free to drop your own and enjoy the nostalgia.

Some team building


I remember when I finally broke through the bad blood between the Asterisk and FreePBX teams. Early in the Schmooze Com days right after we acquired the project I wanted to fix the historic tension between those teams so I sent a pallet of Dr Pepper and Red Bull to the Digium offices as a surprise out of our own pocket


It did wonders and it was the start to an amazing coalition of the two projects. This was 2009ish when this picture was taken by Digium.


@kgupta works hard and regardless of the time zone. Even he can work on Saturdays and Sundays. He often works in the evening in my time zone. He is always on deck. For how much longer? I don’t know…


I had the same thought in a conference with the team, but it was not applied either.

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