You will note back in the day the whole team @tonyclewis@tm1000@xrobau@GameGamer43 and myself wore many hats as developers and growing the companies organically and we all still found time to be part of the community and participate here.
For what its worth, I want to give all of you such a big “Thanks” for continuing, to be part of the community (as well as several others @dicko and @lgaetz come to mind) your posts, responses, and solutions through the YEARS, have helped me develop and hone my abilities and knowledge. As a devoted FreePBX fan and Sangoma customer, I fear a day we start losing any of you.
The people mentioned who still work with FreePBX are still in the forums and participating. I know nobody will care about your ad hominem attacks just like they haven’t done anything about your other CoC and ToS violations so it almost seems pointless to point out to you we are still contributing. How many pull requests have you submitted and had merged into 17. I have had several, all of which have nothing to do with my current employer.
ClearlyIP has plenty of other successful endeavors going on from what I see. Also the product offerings they do have, that very fortunately work on FreePBX are innovative, time saving, and (This is a big one) WELL SUPPORTED.