Configuring Cisco 79xx Now Open Source Endpoint Manager Has Gone

Hi, I was wondering how you go about configuring a Cisco 7960 now the Open Sourced Endpoint Manager has been discontinued in support of a commercial module costing $150. I appreciate that big business should put in to projects but grassroots charitable (not registered charitable) will very rarely have such funds.

From my online research, configuring a Cisco 7960 phone is not as simple as configuring my old Spa 921’s. There is an abundence of information but, as to what information holds true etc, i’m a bit lost. Is there any easy way to configure a Cisco 7960 phone for free? Please would a few people be as kind as to respond with an easy to follow list of instructions (aimed at the novice) and then this will capture anybody at any level reading this and the instructions can be seen to be up to date.

I note that there does appear to be reference to the free (OSS) Endpoint Manager at this link and this link is from FreePBX’s Wiki. However, the readme does not have any information on how you should go about setting it up/using it, and, whether it is compatible with FreePBX 14 (or if there is anything to note), and, whether there are any forseeable compatability issues moving forward, for example with FreePBX 15, or, one day FreePBX 16 etc.

Running FreePBX 14.0.13 latest distro from the FreePBX website (shipped with the usual modified CentOS) and using the recommended Asterisk version.

Thanks ever so much!

As mentioned in other threads, there are two GitHub sources for a solution to this specific problem:

Steps 1 and 2 to install the Chan-SCCP-B module from GitHub. Interesting new success with Chan-SCCP-B and SCCP-Manager (both from GitHub)

Once you do that, the phones will work in Skinny mode and be managed from the FreePBX GUI. It’s not EPM, and it only works with Skinny/SCCP phones, but it’s an option. There are a couple of gotcha’s in the install right now, but I think they’ve been addressed in recent weeks.

Short of that - you can try to manage it all by hand through your SIP settings.

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