CDR shows no calls since August

FreePBX 14. All updates current, upgraded from PBX 13 several months ago. I noticed today that the CDR logs stopped on August 15. Calls since then are not being recorded in the CDR logs. Any ideas on how to fix this?


If it stopped working when you upgraded to FreePBX 14 with the distro upgrade “script” then it’s one of these two reasons

(a missing odbc.ini or a missing asterisk*-odbc package.

If however it crashed at another time then the CDR table has most likely crashed and needs to be repaired…

Something like

but replace cel with cdr…

Please let me know if either of these solutions work.

Good luck and have a nice day!


I believe I did upgrade with the distro upgrade “script.” If that is the case, what is the appropriate method to fix it?


First check if you have a file called odbc.ini in /etc.

If it is missing but you have a file called odbc.ini.rpmsave in /etc rename the file.

ie does

cd /etc
ls odbc.ini

give any result?

If it doesn’t but you still have a file called odbc.ini.rpmsave do this

cd /etc
mv odbc.ini.rpmsave odbc.ini

If however you don’t have this problem then check if you have the appropriate asterisk*-odbc package.

If you do

rpm -q -a | grep odbc

does an asterisk package shows up?

If it doesn’t then

yum install asterisk13-odbc

(if you are running Asterisk 13)


yum install asterisk14-odbc

(if you are running Asterisk 14)

If you didn’t change anything then your FreePBX 13 box is most likely currently using Asterisk 13 (which is fine).

If this doesn’t work, please let me know…

Good luck and have a nice day!


Thanks! The issue did turn out to be a missing odbc.ini. There was a odbc.ini.rpmsave so I renamed it to odbc.ini and cdr functionality is back.