Can no longer connect to extensions and enpoint unavailable

Hello I was having trouble with sip vicious attacks and tried to change some settings as recommended here in the forum than I believe subsequently changing them back because I can no longer connect a soft phone to the freepbx and do an echo test… I don’t think I made too many changes and I think Input them back as was before after playing with it… but now I want to be able to connect to the freepbx system

Hi @general
You have to start from bottom, 1st check your FreePBX Firewall setting, and allow your Trusted network do not block from FW and F2B side too… Is your FreePBX works at your LAN network or somewhere Cloud side ? If is running at Cloud then you need to allow your Softphone Public IP too.
2nd, did you do some Asterisk Port changes such as 5060 UDP to another port ( lets say 5161 TCP or TLS etc…) ?

Cloud base virtual private server
Softphone Public IP How does this work with cellphones that do not have fixed ips? It was working before all this stuff… originally I changed the port but than I changed it back… to 5060

Hello I cannot connect to extensions what can I do to fix this? I have no idea why it does not work…

Try to run SNGREP in your CLI and see if the REGISTER of the extensions are coming
Also try to whitelist the IP of the extensions (and if the server is in a cloud or in another network, try to whitelist the IP of the network)

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Oddly enough I am getting the friendly scanner calls with microsip despite seemingly not connected…

running sngrep now thank you…

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how do I read this?

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Can you open a case in Support and give me the case number?
I can give a hand with that.