Broken script - little detial

FreePBX/Asterisk 14

I had an issue with MySQL and the freepbxuser pw being out of sync (they weren’t, updating the pw to match the freepbx.conf file yielded 0 changes).

Long story short, I ran the following two commands (which made about 54 changes):
update freepbx_settings SET value = ‘’ WHERE value = ‘[Old Password]’;
update freepbx_settings SET value = ‘[Old Password]’ WHERE value = ‘’;

This restored database connectivity, and got everything back up and running. No problems yet, but I have a concerning message on the Dashboard:

The name of the script on the error is the password I ran through the update command. I think when I ran the command I overwrote something I shouldn’t have, but am not sure where to look to fix this? Any ideas what script name I overwrote? Where are the “freepbx_settings” in the MySQL dB?

Thanks in advance for any guidance.

Okay, so I found the table “freepbx_settings” in “asterisk” dB, but there are no fields with the value of the old password/name of the script on the dashboard error. Ill keep poking around.

Well, for what it’s worth, I think the SQL query updated more than it should have with the query you used. For Example, these are all the rows that I have where the value is empty:

MariaDB [asterisk]> select keyword,type,value from freepbx_settings where value='';
| keyword                        | type     | value |
| AMPBACKUPEMAILFROM             | text     |       |
| AMPLOCALBIN                    | dir      |       |
| AMPUSERMANEMAILFROM            | text     |       |
| AMPWEBADDRESS                  | text     |       |
| AST_APP_VQA                    | text     |       |
| ASTMANAGERPROXYPORT            | int      |       |
| BRAND_ALT_JS                   | text     |       |
| BRAND_CSS_ALT_MAINSTYLE        | text     |       |
| BRAND_CSS_ALT_POPOVER          | text     |       |
| BRAND_CSS_CUSTOM               | text     |       |
| CALLREC_BEEP_PERIOD            | int      |       |
| CC_AGENT_ALERT_INFO_DEFAULT    | text     |       |
| CC_AGENT_CID_PREPEND_DEFAULT   | text     |       |
| CC_MONITOR_ALERT_INFO_DEFAULT  | text     |       |
| CC_MONITOR_CID_PREPEND_DEFAULT | text     |       |
| CDRDBHOST                      | text     |       |
| CDRDBPASS                      | text     |       |
| CDRDBPORT                      | int      |       |
| CDRDBTABLENAME                 | text     |       |
| CDRDBTYPE                      | select   |       |
| CDRDBUSER                      | text     |       |
| CELDBNAME                      | text     |       |
| CELDBTABLENAME                 | text     |       |
| CRM_CUSTOM_URL                 | text     |       |
| DASHBOARD_OVERRIDE             | text     |       |
| DASHBOARD_OVERRIDE_BASIC       | text     |       |
| DEVICE_ALLOW                   | text     |       |
| DEVICE_CALLGROUP               | text     |       |
| DEVICE_DISALLOW                | text     |       |
| DEVICE_PICKUPGROUP             | text     |       |
| FORCED_ASTVERSION              | text     |       |
| HTTPPREFIX                     | text     |       |
| mainstyle_css_generated        | text     |       |
| MIXMON_DIR                     | dir      |       |
| MIXMON_POST                    | text     |       |
| POST_RELOAD                    | text     |       |
| PRE_RELOAD                     | text     |       |
| PROXY_ADDRESS                  | text     |       |
| PROXY_PASSWORD                 | text     |       |
| PROXY_USERNAME                 | text     |       |
| UCPRSSFEEDS                    | textarea |       |
| VMX_LOOPDEST_CONTEXT           | text     |       |
| VMX_TIMEDEST_CONTEXT           | text     |       |
43 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The sql executed above would have overwritten all of the values for these and set them to the old password. I’m not sure that’s correct.

I reversed the step (from old pw to blank), and looking over the table I do not see the old pw as a value anywhere. I rebooted and saw the error, but maybe it is an old error.

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