BLF over PJSIP or IAX2 Trunks

Has there been any simple way to push BLF info over PJSIP or IAX2 Trunks lately?

The last good/bad info was from '19.

followed your link, but have an additional question to it: What is the idea of the different ports used behind the opposite trunk configurations (5060 and 5061)? In my case I would like to connect a on-premise-freepbx with a cloud-hosted freepbx. 5061 is usually TLS-Port in the sip-settings. The cloud-pbx in my case has sip-settings / chan-pjsip on port 6xxx1 and TLS on 6xxx2 simple for some low security reasons.

In the wiki example, PJSIP UDP transport was bound to different ports on each system. If that’s not the case for you, then the trunks will be defined differently. Substitute the ports you’re using for your own setup.

o.k. working with own defined ports and external firewall forwarding. In addition is it true that outbound routes are required on first place of the outbound routes to dial an extension of each opposite pbx? For me is was necessary. Is it an security risk to create pjsiip trunks without user+password? For sure not in the given example where PBXs are in the same private network. But possibly when I connect a local on-premise PBX within a private network (192.168.x.x) against a cloud-PBX usually with a public IP (217.x.x.x.)?

I am definitely getting closer. After following the How To, I can get the BLF to show green on system 2 for a system 1 ext. But when the ext is busy, the BLF does not change.

When referencing the core show hints, the remote ext shows as PJSIP, not Custom:DN.

I got it working including DND, but - in my case, using different ports - I had to add the port:

server_uri=sip:[email protected]:12345

where this config above is on the server PBX-cent (in the example named ‘PBX-act’ and my is the server named ‘FreePBX’ in the example. So behind the server_uri ‘@’ has to be the opposite server.
Once you are working with fixed IPs, you may set in the trunk config a “match (permit)”-IP of the opposite server for security reasons, since using no user+password for it may open an external line for unwanted hackers.

I had to return to IAX2 for connecting my pbx (private network) to the pbx (cloud-server) since media hangs up after 30 seconds using pjsip connection. For BLF issues will it work by substituting “PJSIP” by “IAX2” or “IAX” from the given description to receive status changes of the remote extension? Or is it necessary to open an second PJSIP-channel for BLF reasons only besides the IAX2 on port 4569?

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