Backup Restored - Now unable to login to Administration

Can anyone help?!

We had to restore a backup following an issue updating a module. Used the last know good backup, and system is working however we are now unable to login to Administration of the system.

I can access tthe GUI but get returned ‘Invalid Username or Password’ when logging into the Administration.

Have tried accessing fwconsole but am getting returned ‘fwconsole: command not found’

We have version 6.12.65-30.

I am also getting a notification from the pbx
You have 2 tampered files
Module: “FreePBX Framework”, File: “/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/phpagi.php
Module: “FreePBX Framework”, File:
”/var/www/html/admin/modules/framework/asterisk.conf missing"

I believe you restored a very old backup version of your PBX since you can’t run fwconsole commands

To unlock using amportal see this:

Hi thanks, according to the date stamp it was from Monday. But not sure why fwconsole is not operating.

Realized now that on your screenshot it says “logout: root” top right side… Are you trying to log in with the root user?

Yes, normally I would see a load of menu options along the top bar to configure the system but they have gone. So clicking of the Admin icon and using root I get the error.

The root user is the only one I know of (person that set this up has since left!).

I can run the unlock and go back to the GUI but still unable to access any config features.

Did you look at any of these links yet?

Hi yes have tried following those but no change in the GUI.

Manged to resolve it by using the CLI to upgrade all modules. Now got the menu back!

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