Apply Config never ends

We have installed a fresh FreePBX and after some configuration done, we got problems everytime we press the “apply config” button. The Process never ends. If we reboot the complete system, we can apply the config for the first time, but if we make changes again, again, the “apply config” button does not work anymore until the next reboot.

the only thing i found regarding this problem is an unanswered post:

seems to be a new bug that came with the latest updates?

what can we do now?

what is output of:

fwconsole r --verbose

For those not familiar with fwconsole or Linux command line in generale, r is reload. Like many command line tools fwconsole matches on unique when you don’t type the entire command.

fwconsole reload --verbose

[root@freepbx ~]# fwconsole r --verbose
Reloading FreePBX

…i waited 5 minutes - nothing happens anymore.

after i changed in advanced settings from “both” to “SIP only” the problem disappeared!

What did you change?

as i said, in the advanced settings you can choose the sip-driver that is active and loaded, i switched from “both” to “SIP only” - and the problem was gone!

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