API - change exten context

Dear friends,

I need to give the secretary access to change the context of the extensions and I didn’t want to give administrator access.

I’m looking for something simple that lists my extensions and allows me to change the context of the extension (dropdown with contexts).

It turns out that via GraphQL I didn’t find how to get the context of the extension.

Do you suggest any simple way to make this happen? I already have a PHP page listing all extensions, but I couldn’t get the context.

What do you mean by “change the context of an extension”?

Hello Tom.

Thank you for your time.

I have some custom contexts that allow or not to exit for outbount routes.

For example, some extensions that cannot exit on any outbound route.

I need to allow the secretary to make changes on each extension.

Hello friends.

I managed to create a page in PHP by connecting to the database and updating it in context.

If anyone wants, I can send it.