After (wrong?) uninstalling --> dahdiconfig config error showing up

I want to note here that I found meanwhile a solution, - thanks to user w5waf!

After installing phpMyAdmin I was able to remove easily the ugly (dahdiconfig.) “Error File is not owned by asterisk” notification. (I know I know, installing phpMyAdmin is regarding security reasons always a bad idea. Well, in my situation, I had no desire and no time to learn the corresponding MySQL commands. :wink:)

Note, it is recommended to check fist yours dependencies, for example, FreePBX 5.211.65-x is due to old MySQL 5.1.73 not compatible with any newer phpMyAdmin version! Furthermore, it may be possible that you cannot install it simply trough a repository like EPEL. In such situations you have to install phpMyAdmin using the source files.

Finally, if you don’t know yours Asterisk MySQL DB user & password, - check your /etc/freepbx.conf!
→ A very big thanks to user p_lindheimer for that hint!