About the Off-Topic category

A place for anything not related to the VoIP industry, FreePBX, or things along those lines.

Unless the off-topic post violates some other part of the Code Of Conduct per its most recent updates, then it should be safe from flagging-removal :black_flag: if posted in the Off-Topic category, maybe even with a link back to the OP which got forked to OT. :playground_slide:

PSA: Flagging a post in the Off-Topic category as being Off-Topic is logically impossible and may cause the universe to implode in an Off-Topic way. :tornado:

I donโ€™t want to see it!

Okay, fine.

  1. Go to the Off-Topic category .
  2. Click on the bell icon :bell: in the upper-right corner.
  3. Select Muted at the bottom.

โ€ฆand then :see_no_evil: per the Discourse guidelines:

You will never be notified of anything about new topics in this category, and they will not appear in latest.