Aborted connection 2098 to db: 'asterisk' user: 'freepbxuser' host: 'localhost'


  • FreePBX 17
  • Asterisk Version 21.4.3
  • Debian12

this system is running with an imported backup from FreePBX 16

system is very slow on reboot, takes at least 5 minutes

i get to see a lot of errors in when i run journalctl | grep asterisk

Oct 25 13:27:02 freePBX mariadbd[703]: 2024-10-25 13:27:02 2098 [Warning] Aborted connection 2098 to db: 'asterisk' user: 'freepbxuser' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)

can i get some help please

this might be related to this github issue

While I didn’t experience the slowness issues you mentioned, I encountered a continuous “aborted connection” for user ‘freepbxuser’.

I eventually figured it out after a lot of digging.

The problem ended up being a certificate causing an issue with UCP, preventing it from starting up. The fix was to generate a new self-signed cert in certificate management, then mark it as default. The minute I did that, the errors instantly stopped appearing.

i tried that already, did not help

I fixed my problem apparently

on install i deactivated IPv6 on /etc/default/grub

that was the problem it seems… i don´t understand why…

i now reactivated IPv6 and the errors are gone


To get it properly working on an IPv4 only environment you have to set under

Settings/Advanced Settings in the GUI

  • HTTP Bind Address to
  • HTTPS Bind Address to
  • NodeJS Bind Address to
  • NodeJS HTTPS Bind Address to

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