Restore from 13 to 17 - Aborted connection to db errors in syslog

I have tried restoring backups from a Freepbx13 instance to 17. Everything worked as expected except for an error that appears once a second in my /var/log/syslog file.

2024-10-20T13:08:30.944174-04:00 freepbx17 mariadbd[683]: 2024-10-20 13:08:30 1183 [Warning] Aborted connection 1183 to db: ‘asterisk’ user: ‘freepbxuser’ host: ‘localhost’ (Got an error reading communication packets)

PBX Version:
Asterisk Version: 21.4.3

Like i said, everything works fine, including CDR, but the once a second messages in syslog would seem to indicate a problem.

Also, I was able to restore the Freepbx 13 backup to a Freepbx 16 instance without issue.

Has anyone else run into this or have any advise for additional troubleshooting?

additional info
The errors appear to start happening after the UCP node starts. If I kill the pm2 process, the errors cease. Entries in /home/asterisk/.pm2/pm2.log coincide with the db errors in /var/log/syslog.

Entries in pm2.log:
024-10-21T00:00:24: PM2 log: App [ucp:3] exited with code [1] via signal [SIGINT]
2024-10-21T00:00:24: PM2 log: App [ucp:3] starting in -fork mode-
2024-10-21T00:00:24: PM2 log: App [ucp:3] online
2024-10-21T00:00:25: PM2 log: App [ucp:3] exited with code [1] via signal [SIGINT]
2024-10-21T00:00:25: PM2 log: App [ucp:3] starting in -fork mode-
2024-10-21T00:00:25: PM2 log: App [ucp:3] online

After a few days of trial and error, i have narrowed the issue down and was able to resolve it. It was easy to replicate. Fresh debian 12, Freepbx 17, asterisk 21 instance. Restore data from Freepbx 13 backup.

The problem ended up being a certificate causing an issue with UCP, preventing it from starting up. The fix was to generate a new self-signed cert in certificate management, then mark it as default. The minute I did that, the errors instantly stopped appearing. Just to make sure the fix was valid, i reverted back to the original restored cert and it began failing again.

If you happen to notice UCP not working properly after doing a restore from an earlier version to Freepbx 17, this should resolve that issue.

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