2 SIP protocols (and weird port)


I am testing freePBX, i have a few questions about the ports it seems to have setup as default…

SIP Protocol - UDP Port: 5060
CHAN_SIP Protocol - UDP Port: 5160

  • I can only seem to register phones on port 5160, what is this CHAN_SIP? why is it not 5060?
  • I see theirs a SIP on 5060, why is this not taking registration requests?

How to do change the RTP ports? (cant see them listed), i dont see anyway of changing any of these ports, there all grayed out as info only…

Many Thanks

Pretty sure you mean pjsip vs chan_sip right?

My system has SIP, CHAN SIP… see screen shot below… Its the SIP and CHAN SIP thats confusing me, the endpoints need to use CHAN SIP to work, so whats the point of SIP?

Is PJSIP the same as SIP in the below image?

That is PJSIP and CHANSIP. CHANSIP is old. Pjsip is new. You decide which one you want to use.

I know people hate car analogies, but “suck it up” :smile:

All cars are cars, but some cars are Fords and some are Chevies.

All SIP is SIP, but some is PJ-SIP and some is Chan-SIP. Basically, they are different drivers that perform “largely” the same thing.

There are some features of Chan-SIP that people still need to be able to use (like host authentication) and there are some features of PJ-SIP that aren’t even in Chan-SIP (like multi-instrument per line support).

For now, if you want to use Chan-SIP for everything, you can set that up in the SIP settings. You can even allocate port 5060 to Chan-SIP and it will look just like the same SIP you’ve always used.


Knowing this, is there a “support” list of what phones do what, do even the phone manufacture list these details?

The Grandsteam GXP2170 says is support SIP RFC3261, i cant see if this is CHAN or PJ???

Not that I’m aware of. Since PJ-SIP is a work in progress and phone support for it is being added literally every day, I doubt that such a list would be useful for more than a few minutes.

My model is as follows:

  1. When connecting to outside ITSP services, I use Chan-SIP on port 5060. They are the slowest moving piece in the puzzle and they have a series of set configurations that they recommend. Many also use Host authentication, for which PJ-SIP has no support (at this time).
  2. When connecting to phones outside the enterprise (over the Internet) I try to use PJ-SIP on either 5160 or 5061 first. If that doesn’t work (and I don’t give it a lot of tries), I switch the phone back to 5060 and use Chan-SIP to support them.
  3. When connecting to phones inside the enterprise (over a LAN), I still try to use PJ-SIP. My experience with it is that it’s really good at connecting phones to a PBX, so I try to make it work first.

There are lots of moving parts and lots of places that are in flux.

Most of the Sangoma phones (for example) seem to prefer to connect to PJ-SIP. There are also a couple of PJ-SIP features that make is really nice for phones in the enterprise. The video phone support in PJ-SIP seems to be working well, as well as the “shared line appearance” that lets you connect more than one device to a SIP extension.

On the other hand, there are some features of Chan-SIP that are either not yet implemented or violate the design principles of PJ-SIP. Host authentication (which many ITSPs use exclusively) is not included as a feature of PJ-SIP. There also seems to be a problem with the “Call Answered Elsewhere” support in PJ-SIP.

Thanks to the work James @jfinstrom has done with the bulk handler, updating your Chan-SIP phones to PJ-SIP (and vice versa) is a relative piece of cake, so when someone asks me which to use, I tell them “It depends on what you need the phones to do.”

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Might ask the support question over at Grandstream and see what they have to say about it.

@cynjut I know this message is old but it helped me a lot! Thanks :wink:

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