1-Month Free Trial Now Available for Sangoma’s Cloud-based RMS

A 1-Month FREE Trial of Sangoma's Remote Monitoring Service (RMS) is now available for you to try!

What is RMS you ask?

RMS is Sangoma’s NEW Cloud-based Remote Monitoring Service that provides PBX administrators with real-time statistics of their FreePBX and PBXact phone system infrastructure, reducing downtime occurrence, which saves you money. Features include:

Easy-to-read Threat Alerts

These alerts are summarized by severity, system name and triggers and allow users to expand panes for more granular details. Alerts can be quickly silenced from further email notifications and will self-close upon clearing of the condition.

RMS Graphs & PBX Analytics

Graphs are available for every FreePBX / PBXact system being monitored and display valuable information about active calls, CDR, extensions, SIP trunks, fraud stats and more.

Auto-generated Email Notifications

RMS will auto-generate email notifications upon triggered alerts and provide details to help you take action if necessary.

If you're interested in giving RMS a try, log in to your FreePBX or PBXact Web GUI and click on RMS Management under the Admin tab. For step-by-step instructions, please visit: http://wiki.freepbx.org/display/RMS/RMS+Installation

You can also get your 1-Month FREE Trial from the Store inside your Portal Account.

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8 posts were split to a new topic: RMS not connecting

I’m also not seeing the module. I had just assumed it wasn’t deployed to the module repositories yet.
I’m on 10.13.66-17, when grepping the module list for rmsadmin I get no results returned.

@adolfoc, When you do a check online for updates via the GUI, you still aren’t seeing RMS? Keep in mind in the GUI it will show as Remote Monitoring System and the module must first be installed from Module Admin. You can also check from the command line by doing the following fwconsole ma listonline | grep rmsadmin. If that’s not working for you still can you please provide the output of cat /etc/schmooze/pbx-brand?

Correct. either in the WebGUI or CLI, RMS or Remote Monitoring System does not appear.
The PBX-Brand is “CyberLynk”. That is who hosts my VPS of this FreePBX instance.

cat /etc/schmooze/pbx-brand

Can you try checking again online for me, as I made a change on our end which should help this show up for some systems that were having issue previously.

There it is… thanks!

5 posts were split to a new topic: RMS Open Ports?

I’m going to close out this topic so that things don’t get lost between the various conversations. If anyone has any new issues or existing issues which you feel aren’t resolved can you please create a new topic over in our RMS category of the forums.

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