Zulu - iPhone not ringing when locked


Does anyone know the settings to make this work ?



There’s no setting for this; it should “just work”. Open an issue at support.sangoma.com and they should be able to help you out.

Iphone doesn’t allow access to the hardware abstraction layer. When you shut off the screen, the client will not stay registered to the PBX. A “push” server is usually involved that will push notifications to the phone when you receive a call. I have found this to be the case with most softphone apps.

Are you using TLS?

I believe with callkit and app background refresh enabled this is no longer the case. The iPhone will look and behave as if it were receiving a standard cellular call, regardless of the idle device state. Not sure is Zulu is leveraging this tech or not. Sangoma might comment.

In the Wiki, I also found a way to test the push functionality…


Also, there are known issues with Zulu Mobile… isn’t it still in beta?


Zulu Mobile is no longer in beta. It was released several months ago.

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