Zulu does not install after uninstallation

After un-installing Zulu UC I can not install it anymore, it gives me the following error:

> Updating tables zulu_interactions_interaction_states, zulu_softphones, zulu_tokens, zulu_interactions_contacts, zulu_interactions_interactions, zulu_interactions_members, zulu_interactions_streams, zulu_interactions_stream_bodies, zulu_interactions_stream_links, zulu_login_tokens...Done
> PJSIP Transports for WS and WSS must be enabled in Asterisk SIP Settings under the Chan PJSIP Settings tab. Then restart Asterisk
> Error(s) installing zulu:
> Failed to run installation scripts
> Updating Hooks...Done

I tried to delete the Zulu directories, re-download and install zulu but the result does not change

"[root@computerware ~]# fwconsole ma downloadinstall zulu
No repos specified, using: [standard] from last GUI settings

Downloading module 'zulu'
Processing zulu
Verifying local module download...Verified
Download completed in 2 seconds
Updating tables zulu_interactions_interaction_states, zulu_softphones, zulu_tokens, zulu_interactions_contacts, zulu_interactions_interactions, zulu_interactions_members, zulu_interactions_streams, zulu_interactions_stream_bodies, zulu_interactions_stream_links, zulu_login_tokens...Done
PJSIP Transports for WS and WSS must be enabled in Asterisk SIP Settings under the Chan PJSIP Settings tab. Then restart Asterisk
Unable to install module zulu:
 - Impossibile eseguire gli script di installazione
Updating Hooks...Done"

Someone knows how to help me?

have you tried to reset it?

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PJSIP Transports for WS and WSS must be enabled in Asterisk SIP Settings under the Chan PJSIP Settings tab. Then restart Asterisk

It’s telling you what to do, have you done this?


Sorry, I made the usual mistake of not reading


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