ZULU Desktop Faxing Does not populate Phone, Name, Email fields

When using the Zulu Windows Desktop Client (Zulu 1.0.5996.28357) to send a fax the user fills in the “My Phone”, “My Name”, “My Email” fields but the outgoing fax does not show any of this information in a header or cover sheet.

It does show the default fax header information configured in the FreePBX Fax Configuration Settings.

Zulu version is 13.0.43 and Fax Config Pro version is 13.0.31
on FreePBX version 10.13.66-11 and Framework 13.0.151

This is how it was written. It should be filed as a feature request

Ok I created Feature Request http://issues.freepbx.org/browse/FREEPBX-12698
I created it under the FreePBX project, even tho a Zulu project also shows in JIRA… wasn’t sure if that is for future use or what.

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