Zulu contact name not showing in call history

Hi All,
I have been struggling to get contacts working on the PBX, but am making progress.
If I import all my contact into contact manager and on the inbound route use that for lookups then on an S500 I see the contact name. (Interestingly if I use Superfecta attached to contact manager it doesn’t work).
The problem is on Zulu 3. The contact name is displayed on the popup toaster box, but doesn’t show in the main Zulu frame. It doesn’t show in the Zulu call history either. This means the S500 call history display is considerably more useful than Zulu itself.
Is this expected behaviour? Or should Zulu attach contact names in the call history? I know I would prefer to have my call history labelled up.

Zulu should do that but currently it does not. Please open a feature request.

OK, feature request has been submitted.

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