I’ve been using 2 - 20 packs of Zulu on a server for months. 4d ago audio just stopped. No changes that I know of to the system. I’m running FreePBXV14 with Asterisk 13.32. Calls connect but there is no audio and the call drops for lack of rtp traffic. I’ve been using a STUN server the whole time with no problems. The IT people say 10K-20K is wide open. Any ideas?
No audio from mobile or desktop. I’ve tried stopping fail2ban. has to be the firewall right?
I’d say “probably”. Restart the firewall from fwconsole and see if that clears it. In the current implementation, that resets everything and opens up the firewall until bad guys start closing things down again.
Worked with Sangoma support. We added an ICE host candidate and it started working. Not sure why it suddenly needed the ICE and STUN but in case this can help anybody else.