Zoiper with FreePBX?


Here is my problem. I use Android phones and unhappy Sangoma Talk is not working properly on Android. On my 2 different android phones, Sangoma Talk is unable to run in background and Sangoma has been totally unable to find the issue/fix the problem.
My FreePBX system is running on a VPS on Internet.
I tried to use Linphone but unhappy it’s unable to use the address book of Android so not really interesting.
I wanted to try Zoiper but unable to get it to register with my FreePBX. I use same credentials and parameters as Linphone on same device with same internet connection but it gives all the time a 408 error.
Any ideas what’s the problem ? From what I have found Zoiper doesn’t need any specific settings for FreePBX.

Thanks for your help,


By default, ST doesn’t “run” in the background (which would run the battery down), but uses push notifications. My guess is that your firewall settings do not allow the Sangoma push servers to register. If your PBX is behind a NAT, you likely need settings in the external router/firewall (in addition to FreePBX firewall) to accommodate the push servers.

Zoiper (with a monthly subscription) does the same thing and would likely give the same trouble. The free version can run in the background but your battery won’t last the day.

Possibly, https://www.reddit.com/r/VOIP/comments/u253nr/trying_to_get_zoiper_to_work_on_android_with/ will help; see the post by ninjasays.

If no luck, try Zoiper on Windows. If it fails the same way, see

If it works on Windows but not Android, sorry but I don’t know how to get a log. Rig a way to capture traffic and see why your PBX is not seeing the REGISTER requests (or Zoiper is not seeing the replies).

you probably do something wrong, all the softphones no longer work in the background but with push notifications, both for Sangoma and Zoiper (in the paid version). I have at least 10 pbx behind Nat with sangoma Connect both desktop and on Android and Ios all working, the freepbx firewall must be configured for notifications from push servers and of course you must allow the registration of the application that for Sangoma does not work on the sip port

Lack of push notifications is indicative of misconfigured firewall(s). The wiki has a list of hosts that need inbound access

Sorry but I realised I forgot to mention that I have an other user with a different extension that has no problem with Sangoma Talk on his android phone, it’s always connected so I guess it means problem is not on FreePBX/server side no ?

I checked for Zoiper push servers and once they have been whitelisted in fw of FreePBX it connected straight :grinning: Thanks for the explanations :wink:

yep but they are already open, the sangoma service shows up also as connected in FreePBX server and an other user has no problem to use it fine…

ST push servers send useful diagnostic data in the provisional responses to an INVITE. Turn on pjsip logger, make a failing call to a problematic Android, paste the Asterisk log for the call at pastebin.com and post the link here.

Sangoma Talk runs excellent on Android. I dont know what your talking about. Ive been using it since day 1 of its release and its previous iterations on an android without any issues.

You either have FPBX or your firewalls misconfigured…

Thanks I did that but I won’t be able to post it here before a little while as I need to edit whole file to remove all sensitive informations in it before sharing it here :frowning:

Fully agree with you but then why an other user can uses Sangoma Talk without any issues at all while me I’m unable ??

Having no issues with our ST on android devices, as well as sangoma desktop app. As others have noted, more that likely a FW/NAT issue.

check the your settings against the required ports:

Ports used on your PBX:

That would affect only me and not the other extensions on the same FreePBX ??

That tells me that it’s not your FreePBX system but something with your extension/user or phone. No idea what that could be as I’ve never had an issue with just one extension not working correctly and we support a ton of Android devices.

The only time weve had one user or a few users not have their Sangoma Talk work was when they were connected to WiFi in the sams building as the on premise PBX but connexted to a different VLAN internally. Firewall has to be configured properly to route that traffic to the PBX internally properly on the VOIP subnet. Once firewall rules are setup properly this works fine…

yeah I checked my extension and the one of the guy it works fine and no differences in settings :frowning:

yeah got that problem with a FreePBX on premise but here it’s one running on a VPS in a DC so I’m in same conditions as other users of the system !

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